Results for "Smithsonian Institution Sesquicentennial (1996 : Washington, D.C.)"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 121 for Smithsonian Institution Sesquicentennial (1996 : Washington, D.C.)
  1. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Relating to the policing of the buildings and grounds of the Smithsonian Institution and its constituent bureaus

    • Date: 1952 10/24/1951
    • Creator: 82d Congress, Sess. 1, 1951
    • Creator: 82d Congress, Sess. 1, 1951

  3. Snow Outside the Natural History Building

    Snow Outside the Natural History Building

    • Date: January 1936
    • Creator: Tolman, Ruel P (Ruel Pardee) 1878-1954
    • Creator: Tolman, Ruel P (Ruel Pardee) 1878-1954

  5. Man Raking Leaves Outside Natural History Building

    Man Raking Leaves Outside Natural History Building

    • Date: November 1936
    • Creator: Tolman, Ruel P (Ruel Pardee) 1878-1954
    • Creator: Tolman, Ruel P (Ruel Pardee) 1878-1954

  7. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide for cooperation by the Smithsonian Institution with State, educational, and scientific organizations in the United States for continuing ethnological researches on the American Indians," approved April 10, 1928, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1950 08/22/1949
    • Creator: 81st Congress, Sess. 1, 1949
    • Creator: 81st Congress, Sess. 1, 1949

  9. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of such District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1924, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1923 02/28/1923
    • Creator: 67th Congress, Sess. 4, 1923
    • Creator: 67th Congress, Sess. 4, 1923

  11. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of such District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1923 06/29/1922
    • Creator: 67th Congress, Sess. 2, 1922
    • Creator: 67th Congress, Sess. 2, 1922

  13. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of such District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1925 06/07/1924
    • Creator: 68th Congress, Sess. 1, 1924
    • Creator: 68th Congress, Sess. 1, 1924

  15. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1901 06/06/1900
    • Creator: 56th Congress, Sess. 1, 1900
    • Creator: 56th Congress, Sess. 1, 1900

  17. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of such District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1949 06/19/1948
    • Creator: 80th Congress, Sess. 2, 1948
    • Creator: 80th Congress, Sess. 2, 1948

  19. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of such District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1950 06/29/1949
    • Creator: 81st Congress, Sess. 1, 1949
    • Creator: 81st Congress, Sess. 1, 1949

  21. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1917 07/01/1916
    • Creator: 64th Congress, Sess. 1, 1916
    • Creator: 64th Congress, Sess. 1, 1916

  23. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1913 08/24/1912
    • Creator: 62d Congress, Sess. 2, 1912
    • Creator: 62d Congress, Sess. 2, 1912

Showing results 1 - 12 of 121 for Smithsonian Institution Sesquicentennial (1996 : Washington, D.C.)
