The Bigger PictureBlog Posts Latest Articles: Wonderful Women Wednesday: Marsha E. Sitnik June 1, 2022 by Emily Niekrasz Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday. A Champion for Libraries and Archives: Ching-hsien Wang May 26, 2022 by Mitch Toda In their efforts to document the history of computing at the Smithsonian, volunteers are interviewing former staff to preserve their stories and experiences. Ching-hsien Wang was a force that helped libraries and archives make their collections accessible online and here are some early excerpts from our interview with her. Wonderful Women Wednesday: Dr. Margaret S. Child May 25, 2022 by Emily Niekrasz Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday. Giving New Life to Old Media May 19, 2022 by Kira M. Sobers Advances in technology have helped to bring new life to media that is unplayable via traditional means. Wonderful Women Wednesday: Mabel A. Byrd May 18, 2022 by Emily Niekrasz Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday. Freeze Frame (Freeze Frame)! May 12, 2022 by Heidi Stover It's National Photography Month at the Archives! Wonderful Women Wednesday: Dr. Maria A. Faust May 11, 2022 by Emily Niekrasz Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday. Smithsonian Spotlight: Takashi Sugiura May 5, 2022 by Emily Niekrasz Between 1953 and 1980, Japanese conservator Takashi Sugiura restored and mounted Japanese works at the Freer Gallery of Art. Wonderful Women Wednesday: Ann Kaupp May 4, 2022 by Emily Niekrasz Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday. Hot Topix in Archival Research, Spring 2022 April 28, 2022 by Deborah Shapiro Think your archival research is on hold while our reading room is closed? Think again! Pages« first‹ previous123456789…next ›last »Produced by the Smithsonian Institution Archives. For copyright questions, please see the Terms of Use.