Managing Active Records
NEW - The Records Management Team is now the Archives and
Information Management Team.
One of the biggest records management mistakes
that can be made is not properly setting up the files. When
files are set up properly, it will be easier to find needed
files, it will be easier to determine where newly created files
should be placed, there will be less duplication resulting in
less space needed for the files, and it will be easier to determine
what records should be discarded or transferred to the archives.
Spending the time to plan a filing system now will reduce the
amount of time and other costs spent on managing the files later.
Whether setting up files for the first time or redoing existing
files, this guidance will help create a more efficient system.
Setting up Paper Files
Setting up Electronic
Overall File Management
Weeding Files
The Archives and Information Management (AIM)
Team can assist staff with the management of active
records within Smithsonian offices. The Team offers guidance
for the proper organization and maintenance of files to facilitate
more timely retrieval of records and to establish more routine
schedules for the destruction of temporary
records and the transfer of permanent
records to the Archives.
Contact the AIM Team liaison for your unit to discuss your
records, schedule an office visit, or arrange an informational