The Collaborative Electronic Records Project
This three year grant project is a joint venture between the Smithsonian Institution Archives and the Rockefeller Archive Center. The project seeks to build and operate electronic record archive systems (ERAS) for both archives to include record preservation and management. The distinct charateristics of the two organizations provide a unique synergy that we believe will be useful to other small- to medium-sized non-profit organizations.
As part of this goal, other work products will include templates for a system model, a business case, a project plan, record management and record transfer guidance, and case studies. The project will conclude with presentations to the archival community of the project findings and experience. More information...
Electronic Records Program - Mission
To appraise and schedule electronic records received and retained by the Smithsonian Institution in the conduct of official business. To accession, manage, and preserve archival electronic records, ensuring their authenticity, integrity, and continuing availability to Smithsonian staff, researchers, and the general public.
