Results for "War Letters: Lost and Found (Online exhibition)"

Showing results 1 - 5 of 5 for War Letters: Lost and Found (Online exhibition)
  1. Diary, European trip, 1914 (2 of 2), 1914, Smithsonian Field Book Project, SIA RU007082.

    Diary, European trip, 1914 (2 of 2)

    • Date: 1914 19140723 19140906
    • Creator: Shimek, Bohumil, 1861-1937

  3. Diary, 1866 - May 25, 1867, 1866-1867, Smithsonian Field Book Project, SIA RU007073.

    Diary, 1866 - May 25, 1867

    • Date: 1866-1867 01011866 05251867

  5. Finding Aid

    SIA RU007004, Walcott, Charles D (Charles Doolittle) 1850-1927, Charles D. Walcott Collection, 1851-1940 and undated

    • Date: 1851 1851-1940 1851-1940 and undated
    • Creator: Walcott, Charles D. (Charles Doolittle), 1850-1927
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  7. Field notes and maps from Glass Mountains, West Texas, 1965

    Field notes and maps from Glass Mountains, West Texas, 1965

    • Date: 1965 19650328 19650421
    • Creator: Cooper, G. Arthur (Gustav Arthur) 1902-

  9. Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2), 1914, Smithsonian Field Book Project, SIA RU007082.

    Diary, European trip, 1914 (1 of 2)

    • Date: 1914 19140612 19140722
    • Creator: Shimek, Bohumil, 1861-1937

Showing results 1 - 5 of 5 for War Letters: Lost and Found (Online exhibition)