Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution
Finding aids are listed
by office or museum, and by division thereunder. Click on letters below to advance down the list.
Academic Programs, Office of
Academic Studies, Office of
Accessibility Program
Smithsonian (Traveling Exhibition, 1996-1998)
American Studies, Office of
Community Museum [History
of Museum]
(formerly Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, 1967-1987;
Anacostia Museum, 1987-1995;
Anacostia Museum and Center for African American History and
Culture, 1995 -2006)
Architectural History and Historic Preservation, Office of
and Special Collections Council, Smithsonian
of American Art [History of Office]
Assistant Provost for Educational and Cultural Programs [History of Office]
Assistant Provost for the Arts and Humanities [History of Office]
Assistant Provost for the Sciences [History of Office]
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Secretary for Environmental and External Affairs [History of Office]
Assistant Secretary for Finance and Administration [History of Office]
Assistant Secretary for History and Art [History of Office]
Assistant Secretary for Institutional Advancement [History of Office]
Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs [History of Office]
Assistant Secretary for Public Service
Assistant Secretary for Research
Assistant Secretary in charge of the United States National Museum [History of Museum]
Assistant to the Secretary
Biological Conservation, Office of
Board of Regents [History of Board]
Business Management Office
for Short-lived Phenomena (Cambridge, Mass.)
Clerk [History
of Office]
Chief Financial Officer, Office of
Chief Information Officer, Office of
Collected Letters on Ethnology
Collected Smithsonian Publications (Braille)
Collections Information Systems Management Committee
Comptroller, Office of
Consultant to the Secretary (Frank A. Taylor) [History of Office]
National Design Museum [History
of Museum]
(formerly Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 1896-1968;
Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Design, 1968;
Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, 1969-1976;
Cooper-Hewitt Museum, the Smithsonian Institution's National
Museum of Design, 1976-1994)
Coordinator of Public Information, Office of the
Council of Information and Education Directors
Counselor to the Secretary, Office of the
Deputy Secretary and
Chief Operating Officer
Development, Office of
Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Arts and Humanities
Disbursement Clerk
of Performing Arts
Educational Research, Office of
Equal Opportunity and Minority Affairs, Office of
Board (Washington, D. C.) [History
of Board]
Executive Assistant to the Secretary [History of Office]
Exhibits Central, Office of
Exposition Records of the Smithsonian Institution and United States National Museum
Facilities Engineering and Operations, Office of
Facilities Services, Office of
Fellowships and Grants, Office of
Financial and Management Analysis, Office of
Fiscal Records
Forum on Material Culture
Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery [History
of Museum]
Government Relations, Office of
Grants and Risk Management
Museum and Sculpture Garden [History
of Museum]
Human Resources, Office of
Information Technology Strategic Planning
Inspector General, Office of the
Studies Office
Communications Program
Interdisciplinary Studies, Office of
and Environmental Programs, Office of
International Catalogue of Scientific Literature
Exchange Service
International Programs, Office of
International Relations, Office of
Smithson Society
Analysis Office
Membership and Development, Office of
Meteorological Project
Miscellaneous Records
Museum Conservation Institute [History of Office]
Air and Space Museum [History
of Museum]
(formerly National Air Museum, 1946-1966)
National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board
National Museum Act Program
National Museum of African American History and Culture
Museum of African Art [History
of Museum]
(formerly Museum of African Art, 1964-1981)
Museum of American History [History
of Museum]
(formerly part of United States National Museum, up to 1967;
named USNM, Museum of History and Technology, 1957-1967;
Museum of History and Technology, 1967-1969;
National Museum of History and Technology, 1969-1980)
Museum of Natural History [History
of Museum]
(formerly part of United States National Museum, up to 1967;
named USNM, Museum of Natural History, 1957-1967;
Museum of Natural History, 1967-1969)
Museum of the American Indian [History
of Museum]
(formerly Museum of the American Indian Heye Foundation, 1916-
Portrait Gallery [History
of Museum]
Postal Museum [History
of Museum]
Science Resources Center
Zoological Park [History
of Zoo]
and Limnology Program
Payroll Records
Planning, Management and Budget, Office of
Polaris Expedition
Product Development and Licensing, Office of
Protection Services, Office of
Provost, Office of the
Public Affairs, Office of
Public Information, Office of
Quincentenary Programs, Office of
Registrar, Office of the
Renwick Gallery
Research Group in Psychology and the Social Sciences
Safety, Health and Environmental Management, Office of
Secretary, Office of the [History of Office]
Secretary's Executive Committee
Service and Protocol, Office of
Smithsonian African American Association
Smithsonian American Art Museum
[History of Museum]
(formerly National Gallery of Art, 1906-1937;
National Collection of Fine Arts, 1937-1980;
National Museum of American Art, 1980-2000)
Smithsonian Associates
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies [History of Office]
Smithsonian Chemist, Office of
Smithsonian Congress of Scholars
Smithsonian Council
Smithsonian Enterprises
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
(formerly Chesapeake Bay Center for Field Biology, 1965-1969;
Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies, 1969-1983;
merged with Radiation Biology Laboratory in 1983 and renamed
Smithsonian Exposition Books
Smithsonian Foreign Currency Program
Smithsonian Half-Century Book Project
Smithsonian Institution Annual Reports and United States National Museum Annual Reports
Smithsonian Institution, Director General of Museums, Afro-American Cultural History Project
Smithsonian Institution Archives
Smithsonian Institution Employees Federal Credit Union
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Smithsonian Institution Press
Smithsonian Institution Relief Association
Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS)
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
Smithsonian Institution Women's Council
Smithsonian Institution, Director for National Programs
Smithsonian Institution, Local Notes Newsletter
Smithsonian Institution, Motion Pictures
Smithsonian Institution, Personnel Records
Smithsonian Institution, Production Records
Smithsonian Institution, Sound Recordings
Smithsonian Latino Center
(formerly Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives, 1997-2006)
Smithsonian Magazine
Smithsonian Museological Association
Smithsonian News Clippings File
Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center
Smithsonian Photographic Services
Smithsonian Productions
Smithsonian Sampler
Smithsonian Science Information Exchange
Smithsonian Scientific Series
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
(formerly Canal Zone Biological Area, 1924-1966)
Smithsonian's America/Japan Project
Special Assistant to the Secretary (Joseph Coudon) [History of Office]
Special Assistant to the Secretary (Richard Hubbard Howland) [History of Office]
Special Assistant to the Secretary for Bicentennial Planning
Special Assistant to the Secretary for Fine Arts
Special Consultant to the Secretary
Special Consultant to the Secretary (James C. Bradley) [History of Office]
Special Events and Conference Services, Office of
Sponsored Projects, Office of
Symposia and Seminars, Office of
Tape Recordings
Topographical Data Project
Treasurer, Office of the
Under Secretary, Office of the
Under Secretary for Art, Office of the
Under Secretary for Science, Office of the
States Civil Service Commission
States National Museum
Unpublished Papers
Information and Associates' Reception Center
Revised: June 30, 2010 |