Results for "History"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 12 for History
  1. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1961 08/03/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  3. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act To establish a National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board of the Smithsonian Institution, to authorize expansion of the Smithsonian Institution's facilities for portraying the contributions of the Armed Forces of the United States, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1961 08/30/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  5. Smithsonian Legal Document

    Congressional Record, 7/27/1961

    • Date: 1961 07/27/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  7. Smithsonian Legal Document

    Congressional Record, 7/26/1961

    • Date: 1961 07/26/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  9. Smithsonian Legal Document

    Congressional Record, 2/24/1961

    • Date: 1961 02/24/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  11. Smithsonian Legal Document

    Congressional Record, 7/31/1961

    • Date: 1961 07/27/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  13. Smithsonian Legal Document

    Congressional Record, 2/28/1961

    • Date: 1961 02/28/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  15. Smithsonian Legal Document

    Joint Resolution To provide for the reappointment of Doctor Jerome C. Hunsaker as Citizen Regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution

    • Date: 1961 03/29/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  17. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the organization, improvement, and maintenance of the National Zoological Park", approved April 30, 1890

    • Date: 1961 10/04/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  19. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act To amend the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, so as to authorize the use of surplus personal property by State distribution agencies, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1961 07/20/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  21. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1961 03/31/1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

  23. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Concerning the White House and providing for the care and preservation of its historic and artistic contents

    • Date: 1961 09/22, 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961
    • Creator: 87th Congress, Sess. 1., 1961

Showing results 1 - 12 of 12 for History