Results for "Digital libraries"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 453 for Digital libraries
  1. Smithsonian Libraries and Archives logo with the sunburst.

    Introducing the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives

    • Date: December 8, 2020
    • Description: We've got big news! The Smithsonian Libraries and Smithsonian Institution Archives have merged to become Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

  3. A computer window titled DArchInfo with clickable heading tabs labeled Search, Query Results, Clipboard, SQL, and logoutThe first column contains accession numbers for Smithonian Archives born-digital holdings (i.e. 00-002). The second column contains names of format types (i.e. AppleDouble Resource Fork, etc.). The third column is the number of each type of file format in that accession (i.e. there are 93 Acrobat PDF/A files).

    Assessing File Format Risk for Born-Digital Preservation Planning

    • Date: August 3, 2021
    • Description: In addition to physical damage and deterioration of storage media, the technological complexity and dependency of electronic records make them uniquely vulnerable to loss, corruption, and alteration (both accidental and malicious). To achieve long-term preservation of fragile born-digital materials, digital archivists need a plan.

  5. Tamar stands in front of the doors of the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives office. The sign reads: Smithsonian Libraries in the glass. The doors are gold. Tamar is wearing a long black and white dress, a statement necklace, and black tights.

    An Interview with Director Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty, Smithsonian Libraries and Archives

    • Date: February 4, 2022
    • Creator: Emily Niekrasz
    • Description: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives recently welcomed Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty as our inaugural director. Join us as we get to know the new leader of our organization!

  7. Blog Post

    The Born-Digital Diaries: “Interrogate the Floppy!”

    • Date: April 28, 2020
    • Description: As an intern with the Smithsonian Institution Archives, I developed strategies that would make our born-digital collections more accessible to the researcher and enhance discoverability.

  9. Portrait photograph of Evangelestia-Dougherty. Trees are in the background.

    Smithsonian Names Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty Director of Smithsonian Libraries and Archives

    • Date: October 6, 2021
    • Description: On October 5, 2021, the Smithsonian announced that Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty will be the new director of the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, effective Nov. 6.

  11. Color drawing on tan-colored construction paper, of a small red house with shrubs in front, lightly covered by snow. A telephone pole and cables are also present.

    Happy Holidays from Smithsonian Libraries and Archives!

    • Date: December 22, 2020
    • Creator: Jessica Scott
    • Description: Wishing you and yours a safe and happy holiday season.

  13. To Do for 2013 - Personal Digital Archiving!

    Spring Cleaning for Your Digital Life

    • Date: December 31, 2012
    • Creator: Mitch Toda
    • Description: Get a head start on the new year, start personal digital archiving today. The Archives' Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig gets us started.

  15. Blog Post

    Digital Video Preservation: Further Challenges for Preserving Digital Video and Beyond

    • Date: August 16, 2011
    • Description: As one can expect, the complexity of digital video provides a few more factors to track and assess when compared with analog moving image counterparts in the archive.

  17. Color photo of woman using virtual headset smiling.

    Link Love: 3/17/2017

    • Date: March 17, 2017
    • Creator: Effie Kapsalis
    • Description: The Hirshhorn is making Yayoi Kusama's blockbuster show accessible with virtual reality. [via Washington Post]Rare sighting of the endangered marbled cat via infrared camera trap! [via National Geographic]Mark your calendars: April 17-21 is Endangered Data Week. [via Digital Library Federation]We contributed to the Nationa Digital Stewardship Alliance's 2016 Web Archiving

  19. Finding the Digital Treasures

    • Date: November 1, 2012
    • Creator: Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig
    • Description: Highlighting some of the Archives favorite digital objects in its collections.

  21. Color photograph of a large group of Tibetans in traditional clothing, standing outside on the National Mall, under flags.

    Archives, Record Management, and Digital Material

    • Date: July 12, 2018
    • Description: As a student with a background in libraries, one of the most interesting things I learned as an intern at the Smithsonian Institution Archives this summer was how closely related records management is to archival practice. I was unaware that as an institutional archive, the Archives is specifically concerned with preserving records that relate to the Smithsonian’s identity,

  23. Digital Video Preservation: Continuing the Conversation

    • Date: January 3, 2013
    • Creator: Kira M. Sobers
    • Description: Preserving digital video is no easy task, but fortunately, there are tools that can help.

Showing results 1 - 12 of 453 for Digital libraries
