Link Love: 5/13/2011


Six children play on the sculpture "Uncle Beazley," the 25 foot long replica of a triceratops, place

  • Yale University has announced that it will make high quality digital images of millions of objects housed in its museums, archives, and libraries openly and freely available, and in the public domain [via Mike Edson, Smithsonian Institution, Director of Web and New Media Strategy].
  • In case you didn’t already see it, check out the most recent Simpsons episode, which includes a Smithsonian cameo! (Okay, so as Around the Mall blog points out, we could nitpick that there are 19 museums and galleries at the Smithsonian, not just the one pictured in the clip; and the Hope Diamond, Fonz’s jacket, Dorothy’s slippers, the Spirit of St. Louis and Jackson Pollack are not in the same building, but nevertheless, isn’t it cool!?):
  • The Simpsons, “Homer Scissorhands,” Season 22: Episode 20, Originally aired, May 8, 2011.

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