Select Resources for Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, and Response for Archives, Museums, and Libraries



Workshop Recovery of Water Damaged Material - the Disaster Scenario, 2011

“Connecting to Collections,” Prepare for and Respond to Emergencies, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Heritage Preservation, and American Association for State and Local History 

dPlan™, the Online Disaster-Planning Tool for Cultural and Civic Institutions

Implementing the Incident Command System at the Institutional Level: A Handbook for Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Other Cultural Institutions (for book description only; Heritage Preservation closed in 2015 and transferred some programs to other agencies. The book can be purchased from Rescuing Records site  or you can search library holdings on WorldCat)

Federal Emergency Management Agency Institute Online Training:  IS-100.B: Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100

Library of Congress’ Emergency Planning Guide

Library of Congress, National Park Service, National Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management, & Response (1993)

National Archives and Records Administration’s Records Emergency Information (for governments and the general public)

Northeast Document Conservation Center’s (NEDCC) Disaster Planning Webinar, March 2012


First Responders

American Institute for Conservation’s (AIC) “Emergency! If You’re First”

AIC’s Salvaging Water Damaged Textiles

AIC’s Saving Photographs After the Flood

AIC’s Tips For the Care for Water-Damaged Family Heirlooms and Other Valuables

Archives Society of Alberta, Flood Advisory Programme's video demonstrations on handling, packing or hand-drying wet collections, and vaccuming dry moldy collections 

Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts’ (CCAHA) Disaster and Emergency Resources with the downloadable National Resource Guide for Disaster Preparedness (actions, vendors, supplies), plus Technical Bulletins on the Salvage of Art on Paper, Photographs, and Books.

Heritage Preservation Organization’s "Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel App, A Guide to Salvaging Artifacts in the First 48 Hours after a Disaster."

Heritage Preservation’s “Coping with Soot” Segment (VIDEO)

Heritage Preservation Organization’s “Save Your Treasures the Right Way” Checklist 

Library of Congress, "What To Do If Collections Get Wet"

Support Hotlines

Disaster mock up - Books drying uprightThe American Institute for Conservation's (AIC) National Heritage Responders (NHR) - National free emergency response assistance for cultural organizations – Hotline 202.661.8068, email

(Midatlantic) Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)  24-hour Emergency Assistance Hotline – 215.688.0719

(Northeastern US) Northeast Document Conservation Center 24 hour Disaster Assistance Hotline - 978.470.1010

Southeastern US) Lyrasis Disaster Assistance – 800.999.8558 email

Other regional areas: Regional Alliance for Preservation’s Emergency Response Services

Checklists and Quick Tips

American Institute for Conservation’s Find a Conservator

Heritage Preservation Organization’s Basic Checklist on Saving Your Treasures

National Park Service's Conserv-O-Grams

A contract template for Emergency Recovery Services for archival records 

Recovery of Audiovisual Materials

Association of Moving Image Archivists’ Disaster Recovery

National Film & Sound Archive of Australia’s First Aid for Fire Damage

National Film & Sound Archive of Australia’s First Aid for Water Damage

Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Relief Resources

American Institute for Conservation’s Disaster Response & Recovery Resource Center

Library of Congress’ Response and Recovery Guide for Major Weather Disasters

United States Environmental Protection Agency's Natural Disasters Guide

Recovery Funds

Heritage Preservation’s Before and After Disasters: Federal Funding for Cultural Institutions 

Heritage Preservation’s Guide to Navigating FEMA and Small Business Administration Disaster Aid for Cultural Institutions

New York State Archives Disaster Assistance 

Society of Southwest Archivists and Society of American Archivists’ National Disaster Recovery Fund