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Results for "Museums -- Administration"
Finding Aids
Blog Posts
Subject: Portraits
Subject: Portraiture Now (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Department of Exhibitions and Collections Management (1)
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of the Director (1)
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of the Registrar (1)
a kosmos (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (3)
Art museums (3)
D.C.) (3)
Museum exhibits (3)
One Life: Walt Whitman (3)
Portraits (3)
Portraiture Now (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (3)
Women of Our Time: Twentieth-Century Photographs from the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (2003-2005) (3)
A Centennial Celebration (Exhibition) (2007-2008: Washington (2)
American (2)
Art (2)
Edward Steichen: Portraits (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (2)
Eye Contact: Modern American Portrait Drawings (Exhibition) (2006: Washington (2)
Gilbert Stuart (Traveling exhibition) (2004-2005) (2)
Glimpse of the Past: A Neighborhood Evolves (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (2)
Great Britons: Treasures from the National Portrait Gallery (2)
Harry Benson: Being There (Exhibition) (2007: Washington (2)
Herblock's Presidents: "Puncturing Pomposity" (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (2)
Inventing Marcel Duchamp: The Dynamics of Portraiture (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (2)
Josephine Baker: Image and Icon (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (2)
Legacy: Spain and the United States in the Age of Independence (2)
Let Your Motto Be RESISTANCE: African American Portraits (Exhibition) (2007-2008: Washington (2)
London (Exhibition) (2007: Washington (2)
Museums -- Collection management (2)
One Life: Kate (2)
One Life: The Mask of Lincoln (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (2)
One Life: Thomas Paine (2)
Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (2)
Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition (Exhibition) (2009-2010: Washington (2)
Portrait of the Art World: A Century of ARTnews Photographs (Traveling exhibition) (2002-2004) (2)
Portraits of Sandra Day O'Connor (Exhibition) (2007: Washington (2)
Portraiture Now: Feature Photography (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (2)
Portraiture Now: Framing Memory (Exhibition) (2007-2008: Washington (2)
RECOGNIZE! Hip Hop and Contemporary Portraiture (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (2)
Temple of Invention: History of a National Landmark (Exhibition) (2006-2008: Washington (2)
The Presidency and the Cold War (Exhibition) (2006-2008: Washington (2)
the Radical Founding Father (Exhibition) (2009: Washington (2)
Tokens of Affection and Regard: Photographic Jewelry and Its Makers (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (2)
Zaida Ben-Yusuf: New York Portrait Photographer (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (2)
000 Years of Latin American Portraits (Traveling exhibition) (2004-2006) (1)
150th Commemoration of the Civil War: The Death of Ellsworth (Exhibition) (2011-2012: Washington (1)
1750-1920 (Exhibition) (2011-2012: Washington (1)
1763-1848 (Exhibition) (2007-2008 (1)
1763-1848 (Exhibition) (2007-2008: Washington (1)
1845-1925 (Exhibition) (2009-2010: Washington (1)
1930- (1)
2008 Presidential Scholars in the Arts: Works in the Literary and Visual Arts (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (1)
A Brush with History: Paintings from the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (2001-2003) (1)
A Brush with History: Paintings from the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (2001-2005) (1)
A Durable Memento: Portraits by Augustus Washington (1)
A Will of Their Own: Judith Sargent Murray and Women of Achievement in the Early Republic (Exhibition) (2012-2013: Washington (1)
African American Daguerreotypist (Exhibition) (1999-2000: Washington (1)
Alan Maxwell (1)
Ambrotypes from the National Portrait Gallery (Exhibition) (2012-2013: Washington (1)
America's Presidents (Exhibition) (2006- : Washington (1)
American Women: A Selection from the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (2002-2005) (1)
American Women: A Selection from the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (2004-2005) (1)
Americans Now (Exhibition) (2006-2008: Washington (1)
Americans Now (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
Americans: Paintings and Photographs from the National Portrait Gallery (1)
Americans: Paintings and Photographs from the National Portrait Gallery (Exhibition) (2002-2003: London (1)
Art museum directors (1)
Ballyhoo! Posters as Portraiture (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (1)
Beverly J. (1)
Calder's Portraits: A New Language (Exhibition) (2011: Washington (1)
Capital Portraits: Treasures from Washington Private Collections (Exhibition) (2011: Washington (1)
Celebrity Caricature in America (Exhibition) (1998: Washington (1)
Claire (1)
Cox (1)
Drawings by Hugo Gellert (Exhibition) (1999: Washington (1)
Elvis at 21: Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
England) (1)
Eye Contact: Modern American Portrait Drawings (Traveling exhibition) (2002-2004) (1)
Faces of the Frontier: Photographic Portraits from the American West (1)
Fern (1)
Four Indian Kings (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (1)
From FDR to Obama: Presidents on Time (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
George Washington: A National Treasure (Traveling exhibition) (2002-2004) (1)
Gifts to the Nation (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (1)
HIDE/SEEK: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
In Vibrant Color: Vintage Celebrity Portraits from the Harry Warnecke Studio (Exhibition) (2012: Washington (1)
Juliette Gordon Low and the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts (Exhibition) (2012-2013: Washington (1)
Kelly (1)
Kristin (1)
Le Tumulte Noir: Paul Colin's Jazz Age Portfolio (Exhibition) (1997: Washington (1)
Marc (1)
Mementos: Painted and Photographic Miniatures (1)
Mr. TIME: Portraits by Boris Chaliapin (Exhibition) (2013-2014: Washington (1)
Museum loans (1)
Museum registration methods (1)
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Exhibitions (1)
One Life: Echoes of Elvis (Exhibition) (2010: Washington (1)
One Life: Katharine Graham (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
One Life: Ronald Reagan (Exhibition) (2011-2012: Washington (1)
Oscar! (Proposed exhibition) (1)
Pachter (1)
Philippe Halsman: A Retrospective (Exhibition) (1998-1999: Washington (1)
Picturing Hemingway: A Writer in His Time (Exhibition) (1999-2000: Washington (1)
Portraits in Jazz: Thirty Musicians Who Made a Difference (Exhibition) (2004: Washington (1)
Portraits in Jazz: Thirty Musicians Who Made a Difference (Traveling exhibition) (2003) (1)
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Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for
Museums -- Administration
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 07-099, National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution) Office of the Director, Exhibition Records, 1983, 1992-2006
1983 1983-2006 1983, 1992-2006
: National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of the Director
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 15-005, National Portrait Gallery (U.S.) Office of the Registrar, Exhibition Records, 1998-2012
1998 1998-2012
: National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of the Registrar
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 19-102, National Portrait Gallery (U.S.) Department of Exhibitions and Collections Management, Exhibition Records, 1973-2017
1973 1973-2017
: National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Department of Exhibitions and Collections Management
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for
Museums -- Administration