Results for "Botanical specimens"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 23 for Botanical specimens
  1. Flickr users comment on a possible identification of a plant.

    Flickr Commons: Summertime Set from the Field Book Project

    • Date: June 26, 2012
    • Creator: Susannah Wells
    • Description: To ring in the summer months, the Field Book Project contributed a set of grasses and other plants photographed by Brazilian botanist, André Goeldi.

  3. Brassia caudata (Orchidaceae) watercolor by Regina O. Hughes, c. 1980, National Museum of Natural History, Catalog of Botanical Illustrations, Plate # 641.

    “Angels Can Do No More”: Regina Hughes’ Contributions as a Botanical Illustrator

    • Date: March 10, 2016
    • Description: This post discusses the contributions of Regina Hughes, a botanical illustrator, to the National Museum of Natural History.

  5. Botanical and entomological specimens.

    Sneak Peek 9/2/2013

    • Date: September 2, 2013
    • Creator: Marguerite Roby
    • Description: Botanical and entomological specimens from collections at the National Museum of Natural History.

  7. Berlandier Fish (Pimelodus maculatus), Record Unit 7052 - Jean Louis Berlandier Papers, Box 12, Folder 14, Smithsonian Institution Archives.

    Jean Louis Berlandier: The Path from Geneva to Mexico

    • Date: June 5, 2014
    • Creator: Tad Bennicoff
    • Description: A brief narrative on Jean Louis Berlandier, a French naturalist, and one of the first scientists to observe, collect , and document the natural history specimens of southeastern Texas and northeastern Mexico.

  9. Moulted Snake Skin, Record Unit 7067 - James G. Cooper Papers

    Flattened Between the Pages

    • Date: July 2, 2013
    • Description: Memorable illustrations, photographs, and plant and animal specimens found pressed between the pages from the Field Book Project.

  11. Org chart, New York and Erie Railroad, 1855. Courtesy of the Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress.

    Link Love: 3/21/2014

    • Date: March 21, 2014
    • Creator: Mitch Toda
    • Description: Link Love: a weekly blog feature with links to interesting videos and stories regarding archival issues, the Smithsonian, and history.

  13. See Mrs. D. D. Gaillard or Katherine Ross Davis Gaillard in the bottom right corner of this page.

    Hidden in Plain Sight: Reading Between the Lines with the Smithsonian Transcription Center Volunteers

    • Date: February 24, 2015
    • Description: As Smithsonian Transcription Center volunteers unlock the stories from the Archives’ collections, we find ways to share the work of women in science hidden in the digitized pages.

  15. Samuel F. B. Morse's Daguerreotype Equipment, 1888, by Thomas Smillie, SIA RU000095 [10625].

    The Life Work of Smillie

    • Date: July 15, 2014
    • Creator: Effie Kapsalis
    • Description: There is a remarkable figure in the Smithsonian’s history that doesn’t get much of the spotlight; Thomas W. Smillie. He served as the Smithsonian’s first official photographer from 1870 until his death in 1917, and additionally became the Smithsonian’s first photography curator in 1896. Smillie amassed a collection of photographic equipment starting with the purchase of the

  17. Dick Benson, March 1975, by Kjell Sandved

    Sandved and his Snapshots

    • Date: April 4, 2013
    • Description: Kjell Bloch Sandved worked as a photographer for the National Musuem of Natural History for 32 years and his Photographic Files captured the Museum’s staff at work in 1975.

  19. Blog Post

    Television and the Smithsonian: Worldly Success

    • Date: December 18, 2012
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: For six seasons, beginning in 1984, the television series Smithsonian World opened new windows on the research and scientists at the Smithsonian Institution.

  21. Color image of tall glass covered buildings, making up the Houston skyline, against and almost completely blue sky.

    Conference Round-up: the Archives at AIC Houston

    • Date: June 5, 2018
    • Creator: William Bennett
    • Description: As we teased earlier this spring in our Facebook Live event, last week Senior Conservator Nora Lockshin and I traveled to Houston, Texas, to share our work with conservation colleagues at the 46th annual meeting of the American Institute of Conservation (AIC). Our contributions centered around work with the Field Book Project, as did our Facebook Live.Another successful

  23. Title Page of the Catalogue of the Library of the National Institute of the Promotion of Science.

    The Fate of the National Institute

    • Date: July 27, 2017
    • Creator: Kira M. Sobers
    • Description: Did you know that before the Smithsonian existed, there were two other institutions created for the promotion of science and diffusion of knowledge? Exploring the fate of the National Institute for the Promotion of Science.

Showing results 1 - 12 of 23 for Botanical specimens
