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Results for "Black Wings (Traveling exhibition) (2011-2015)"
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Blog Posts
Subject: D.C.)
Subject: Museum exhibits
Subject: One Life: Kate
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Department of Exhibitions and Collections Management (1)
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of the Registrar (1)
A Centennial Celebration (Exhibition) (2007-2008: Washington (2)
a kosmos (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (2)
Art museums (2)
D.C.) (2)
Edward Steichen: Portraits (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (2)
Glimpse of the Past: A Neighborhood Evolves (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (2)
Great Britons: Treasures from the National Portrait Gallery (2)
Harry Benson: Being There (Exhibition) (2007: Washington (2)
Herblock's Presidents: "Puncturing Pomposity" (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (2)
Inventing Marcel Duchamp: The Dynamics of Portraiture (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (2)
Josephine Baker: Image and Icon (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (2)
Legacy: Spain and the United States in the Age of Independence (2)
Let Your Motto Be RESISTANCE: African American Portraits (Exhibition) (2007-2008: Washington (2)
London (Exhibition) (2007: Washington (2)
Museum exhibits (2)
Museums -- Collection management (2)
One Life: Kate (2)
One Life: The Mask of Lincoln (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (2)
One Life: Thomas Paine (2)
One Life: Walt Whitman (2)
Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (2)
Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition (Exhibition) (2009-2010: Washington (2)
Portraits (2)
Portraits of Sandra Day O'Connor (Exhibition) (2007: Washington (2)
Portraiture Now (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (2)
Portraiture Now: Feature Photography (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (2)
Portraiture Now: Framing Memory (Exhibition) (2007-2008: Washington (2)
RECOGNIZE! Hip Hop and Contemporary Portraiture (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (2)
Temple of Invention: History of a National Landmark (Exhibition) (2006-2008: Washington (2)
The Presidency and the Cold War (Exhibition) (2006-2008: Washington (2)
the Radical Founding Father (Exhibition) (2009: Washington (2)
Tokens of Affection and Regard: Photographic Jewelry and Its Makers (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (2)
Women of Our Time: Twentieth-Century Photographs from the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (2003-2005) (2)
Zaida Ben-Yusuf: New York Portrait Photographer (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (2)
000 Years of Latin American Portraits (Traveling exhibition) (2004-2006) (1)
150th Commemoration of the Civil War: The Death of Ellsworth (Exhibition) (2011-2012: Washington (1)
1750-1920 (Exhibition) (2011-2012: Washington (1)
1763-1848 (Exhibition) (2007-2008 (1)
1763-1848 (Exhibition) (2007-2008: Washington (1)
1845-1925 (Exhibition) (2009-2010: Washington (1)
2008 Presidential Scholars in the Arts: Works in the Literary and Visual Arts (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (1)
A Brush with History: Paintings from the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (2001-2003) (1)
A Durable Memento: Portraits by Augustus Washington (1)
A Will of Their Own: Judith Sargent Murray and Women of Achievement in the Early Republic (Exhibition) (2012-2013: Washington (1)
African American Daguerreotypist (Exhibition) (1999-2000: Washington (1)
Ambrotypes from the National Portrait Gallery (Exhibition) (2012-2013: Washington (1)
American (1)
American Women: A Selection from the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (2004-2005) (1)
Americans Now (Exhibition) (2006-2008: Washington (1)
Americans Now (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
Americans: Paintings and Photographs from the National Portrait Gallery (1)
Art (1)
Ballyhoo! Posters as Portraiture (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (1)
Beverly J. (1)
Calder's Portraits: A New Language (Exhibition) (2011: Washington (1)
Capital Portraits: Treasures from Washington Private Collections (Exhibition) (2011: Washington (1)
Claire (1)
Cox (1)
Drawings by Hugo Gellert (Exhibition) (1999: Washington (1)
Elvis at 21: Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
Eye Contact: Modern American Portrait Drawings (Exhibition) (2006: Washington (1)
Eye Contact: Modern American Portrait Drawings (Traveling exhibition) (2002-2004) (1)
Faces of the Frontier: Photographic Portraits from the American West (1)
Four Indian Kings (Exhibition) (2008-2009: Washington (1)
From FDR to Obama: Presidents on Time (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
George Washington: A National Treasure (Traveling exhibition) (2002-2004) (1)
Gifts to the Nation (Exhibition) (2006-2007: Washington (1)
Gilbert Stuart (Traveling exhibition) (2004-2005) (1)
HIDE/SEEK: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
In Vibrant Color: Vintage Celebrity Portraits from the Harry Warnecke Studio (Exhibition) (2012: Washington (1)
Juliette Gordon Low and the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts (Exhibition) (2012-2013: Washington (1)
Kelly (1)
Kristin (1)
Le Tumulte Noir: Paul Colin's Jazz Age Portfolio (Exhibition) (1997: Washington (1)
Mementos: Painted and Photographic Miniatures (1)
Mr. TIME: Portraits by Boris Chaliapin (Exhibition) (2013-2014: Washington (1)
Museum loans (1)
Museum registration methods (1)
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Exhibitions (1)
One Life: Echoes of Elvis (Exhibition) (2010: Washington (1)
One Life: Katharine Graham (Exhibition) (2010-2011: Washington (1)
One Life: Ronald Reagan (Exhibition) (2011-2012: Washington (1)
Oscar! (Proposed exhibition) (1)
Picturing Hemingway: A Writer in His Time (Exhibition) (1999-2000: Washington (1)
Portrait of the Art World: A Century of ARTnews Photographs (Traveling exhibition) (2002-2004) (1)
Portraits in Jazz: Thirty Musicians Who Made a Difference (Traveling exhibition) (2003) (1)
Portraits of the Presidents from the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (2000-2003) (1)
Portraiture Now: Asian American Portraits of Encounter (Exhibition) (2011-2012: Washington (1)
Portraiture Now: Communities (Exhibition) (2009-2010: Washington (1)
Presidential Scholars in the Arts: Visual and Literary Works (Exhibition) (2008: Washington (1)
Presidents in Waiting (Exhibition) (2009-2010: Washington (1)
Reflections-Refractions: Self-Portraiture in the Twentieth Century (Exhibition) (2009: Washington (1)
Retratos: 2 (1)
Royal Portraits of Celebration (Exhibition) (2007: Washington (1)
Seeing Gertrude Stein: Five Stories (Exhibition) (2011-2012: Washington (1)
Smith (1)
The Black List: Photographs by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders (Exhibition) (2011-2012: Washington (1)
The Civil War Era: Images from the National Portrait Gallery (Proposed exhibition) (2001-2002) (1)
The Confederate Sketches of Adalbert Volck (Exhibition) (2012-2013: Washington (1)
Traveling exhibitions (1)
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Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for
Black Wings (Traveling exhibition) (2011-2015)
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 15-005, National Portrait Gallery (U.S.) Office of the Registrar, Exhibition Records, 1998-2012
1998 1998-2012
: National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of the Registrar
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 19-102, National Portrait Gallery (U.S.) Department of Exhibitions and Collections Management, Exhibition Records, 1973-2017
1973 1973-2017
: National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Department of Exhibitions and Collections Management
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for
Black Wings (Traveling exhibition) (2011-2015)