Communication Through Art Exhibition - Abby Grey of the Grey Foundation discusses art question with Zainul-Abedin, East Pakistani artist and principal of the Government College of Arts and Crafts, Dacca, 1964 Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 321, Image no. SIA2019-000380.

Collection Highlights: New Additions to the SIA Website

The Smithsonian Institution Archives continually strives to add more collection information to its website. This is a periodic post highlighting new acquisitions and individual collection items.

The Smithsonian Institution Archives continually strives to add more collection information to its website. This is a periodic post highlighting new acquisitions and individual collection items.

A man leans over toward patterned prints on a large document.

Over One Hundred New Finding Aids Online, including:

  • Accession 18-100 - National Museum of Natural History, Division of Mammals, Correspondence, 1934-1939, 1956-2017. This collection documents the career of Richard W. Thorington (1937-2017), who specialized in systematics, evolution, anatomy, and functional morphology in mammals, especially of primates and squirrels. 
  • Accession 18-172 - National Air and Space Museum, Aeronautics Division, Exhibition Records, 1978-2010. This collection documents documenting updates to the "Black Wings" exhibition.  The "Black Wings" exhibition opened in 1982 in the Pioneers of Flight Gallery and initially focused on the Tuskegee Airmen. The exhibition was periodically updated and its content broadened. 
  • Accession 18-217 - National Museum of Natural History, Department of Entomology, Correspondence, 1949-1998. This accession consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence focusing on the study of mosquitoes. Topics include the Southeast Asia Mosquito Project, specimen collection, and distribution or loan of specimens from the Museum. 
  • Accession 18-240 - Office of Public Affairs, Audiovisual Records,  1993, 1996, 1999-2014, undated. This accession consists of audiovisual recordings regarding the Smithsonian Institution, including interviews with media outlets, footage of events, exhibits, webcasts, and public service announcements. 

Scientists on Solar eclipse Expedition, in front of the "U.S.S. Los Angeles."

Forty-seven Finding Aids with New Links to Digitized Material, including:

Dorothy Mary Page Gregory (Lady Gregory)

One Hundred Fifty-nine New Images Online:

Charles August Kraus (1875-1967), at left, in his laboratory with two unknown men

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