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Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives

Accession 02-203

Smithsonian Institution. Office of Telecommunications

Productions, 1973, 1980, 1982, 1984

Repository:Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at
Creator:Smithsonian Institution. Office of Telecommunications
Dates:1973, 1980, 1982, 1984
Quantity:6.08 cu. ft. (5 record storage boxes) (1 document box) (1 tall document box)
Collection:Accession 02-203
Language of Materials:English

This accession consists of audiovisual records created during the production of "Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana" and "Pandas." "Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana" is a 28-minute documentary film produced in 1980 about the ten year iguana behavior study at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. "Pandas" documents both lesser pandas and giant pandas as well as the panda exhibit at the National Zoological Park. Materials include original camera rolls, master color reversals, soundtracks, internegatives, answer prints, release prints, music, voice-overs, narration, dubs, workprints, and trims on 16 mm film, 1/4" audiotape, and 3/4" U-Matic tapes.

Descriptive Entry

This accession consists of audiovisual records created during the production of "Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana" and "Pandas." "Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana" is a 28-minute documentary film produced in 1980 about the ten year iguana behavior study at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. "Pandas" documents both lesser pandas and giant pandas as well as the panda exhibit at the National Zoological Park. Materials include original camera rolls, master color reversals, soundtracks, internegatives, answer prints, release prints, music, voice-overs, narration, dubs, workprints, and trims on 16 mm film, 1/4" audiotape, and 3/4" U-Matic tapes.

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Restrictions pertaining to the use of these materials may apply (based on contracts/copyright). Access restrictions may also apply if viewing/listening copies are not currently available. Viewing/listening copies can be made for a fee. Contact reference staff for details.

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Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection

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Preferred Citation

Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 02-203, Smithsonian Institution. Office of Telecommunications, Productions

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Container List

Box 1

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. A, B, & C Roll. Original and Master Color Reversal. 16mm film

Box 1 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. B-Negative, Soundtrack. Nugent Productions. 16mm film

Box 1 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. B-Negative, Opt. Soundtrack for Color Reversal.16mm film

Box 1 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. Color Internegative. 10/24/80. 16mm film

Box 1 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. Opt. Soundtrack to Color Internegative. 10/24/80. 16mm film

Box 1 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. A&B Answer Print. 1980. 16mm film

Box 1 of 7

Box 2

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. Release Prints (3 copies). 16mm film

Box 2 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. Spanish Opt. Soundtrack. 1980. 16mm film

Box 2 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. Music Mag Trk. A-Roll. 1980. 16mm film

Box 2 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. Music Mag Trk. B-Roll. 1980. 16mm film

Box 2 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. Voice Over Mag Trk. 1980. 16mm film

Box 2 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. Narration Mag Trk. 1980. 16mm film

Box 2 of 7

Box 3

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. 1/4" Audiotape

Box 3 of 7

Dragon of the Trees: The Green Iguana. Dub. 4/22/82. 3/4" U-matic Tape

Box 3 of 7

Special Event: Panda Furniture Construction (The Friends of the National Zoo organized and coordinated the construction of outdoor exercise structures in the pandas yards.) May 1984. Tapes 1-3 of 3, 3/4" U-matic Tapes

Box 3 of 7

Box 4

Special Event: Panda Furniture Construction (The Friends of the National Zoo organized and coordinated the construction of outdoor exercise structures in the pandas yards.) May 1984. Tapes 1-4 of 4, 3/4" U-matic Tapes

Box 4 of 7

Box 5

Panda Film. "Lesser Pandas." Camera Roll 1AA. Thomas G. Smith Productions. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Panda Film. "Lesser Pandas." Camera Rolls 1, 2. Thomas G. Smith Productions. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Panda Film. "Hsing-Hsing Exteriors." Camera Rolls 6A, 5A, 14, 15, 50. Thomas G. Smith Productions. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Panda Film. "Hsing-Hsing Playing and Sleeping." Camera Rolls 5, 6, 12A. Thomas G. Smith Productions. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Panda Film. "Hsing-Hsing Playing." Camera Rolls 3, 4. Thomas G. Smith Productions. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Panda Film. "Hsing-Hsing Eating." Camera Rolls 5, 6, 7, 8; 7A and 8A. Thomas G. Smith Productions. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Panda Film. "Ling-Ling Exteriors." Camera Rolls 5A, 14, 15. Thomas G. Smith Productions. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Panda Film. "Ling-Ling Interiors." Camera Rolls 11, 12. Thomas G. Smith Productions. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Panda Film. "Scenes-Outs from A and B Rolls." Cut up of old Shin film. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Panda Film. Opt.Trk (Soundtrack). 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

National Zoo Park. "Pandas - First Mating." 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

"Panda." Scratch Track and Cut Work Print. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

National Zoo Park. "Pandas - First Mating." Trims. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

"Front Royal Camels." Zoo. Work Prints. c.1973. 16mm film

Box 5 of 7

Box 6

Panda Film. A and B Rolls. Ekta Orig.16mm film

Box 6 of 7

Panda Film. Mag Trk. 16mm film

Box 6 of 7

Panda Film. Work Print. 16mm film

Box 6 of 7

Panda Film. Misc. Ftg. (Zoo, Nancy Reagan, S. Dillon Ripley, Giant Pandas) Col. Pos. and Ekta Master. 16mm film

Box 6 of 7

"No Title." National Zoo Park. Ekta Orig. Roll 1. 1973. 16mm film

Box 6 of 7

"Pandas." National Zoo Park. Eco. Orig. 16mm film

Box 6 of 7

"Playful Pandas." National Zoo Park. Eco. Orig. 16mm film

Box 6 of 7

"Pandas Mating." National Zoo Park. 16mm film

Box 6 of 7

Panda Footage. NVETA Project. Work Print. 16mm film

Box 6 of 7

Box 7

"Pandas - First Mating." National Zoo Park. Work Print. 16mm film

Box 7 of 7

"Pandas and Yaks in China." Loan Footage. Eco.Orig. 16mm film

Box 7 of 7

"Pandas - First Mating." National Zoo Park.Work Print. 16mm film

Box 7 of 7

"Pandas - First Mating." National Zoo Park. Work Print. 16mm film

Box 7 of 7

"Pandas - First Mating." National Zoo Park. Ekta Rolls #1 and #2. 16mm film

Box 7 of 7

"Pandas - Mating." Work Print. 16mm film

Box 7 of 7

"Pandas." Orig. Ekta Rolls 1-6. 16mm film

Box 7 of 7

"Pandas." 1/4" Original Audiotape

Box 7 of 7