Reference Request
Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Record Unit 528
National Museum of American History. Division of Transportation
Records, 1946-1985
Collection Overview
General Information About This Collection | |
Repository: | Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at |
Creator: | National Museum of American History. Division of Transportation |
Title: | Records |
Dates: | 1946-1985 |
Quantity: | 15.51 cu. ft. (15 record storage boxes) (1 document box) (1 oversize folder) |
Collection: | Record Unit 528 |
Language of Materials: | English |
Summary: | These records consist of curator's day journals, 1946-1956; a manuscript copy, "Wheels and Wheeling: The Smithsonian Cycle Collection," 1974; and administrative files of the Division of Transportation concerning such matters as gifts and grants, annual budgets, minutes of meetings, publications, and historical inquiries regarding objects. Also included are records concerning exhibition planning, including fundraising, travel, and production files for the Hall of American Maritime Enterprise at the National Museum of American History (NMAH). Curatorial staff represented in the records include Smith Hempstone Oliver, Associate Curator, 1946-1956; Howard I. Chapelle, Curator, 1957-1966, Senior Historian, 1967-1971; John H. White, Jr., Assistant Curator, 1958-1961, Associate Curator, 1961-1966, Curator, 1966-1985, Senior Historian, 1986- ; Donald H. Berkebile, Assistant Curator, 1973-1975, Associate Curator, 1975-1980; Melvin H. Jackson, Associate Curator, 1966-1968, Curator, 1969-1977, Honorary Curator, 1978-1979; Robert C. Post, Curator, 1980-1981; and William L. Withuhn, Curator, 1983- . |
Historical Note
In 1978 the Division of Transportation was part of the Department of History of Technology, which merged with the Department of History of Science to form the Department of the History of Science and Technology in 1980.
Descriptive Entry
These records consist of curator's day journals, 1946-1956; a manuscript copy, Wheels and Wheeling: The Smithsonian Cycle Collection, 1974; and administrative files of the Division of Transportation concerning such matters as gifts and grants, annual budgets, minutes of meetings, publications, and historical inquiries regarding objects. Also included are records concerning exhibition planning, including fundraising, travel, and production files for the Hall of American Maritime Enterprise at the National Museum of American History (NMAH).
Curatorial staff represented in the records include Smith Hempstone Oliver, Associate Curator, 1946-1956; Howard I. Chapelle, Curator, 1957-1966, Senior Historian, 1967-1971; John H. White, Jr., Assistant Curator, 1958-1961, Associate Curator, 1961-1966, Curator, 1966-1985, Senior Historian, 1986- ; Donald H. Berkebile, Assistant Curator, 1973-1975, Associate Curator, 1975-1980; Melvin H. Jackson, Associate Curator, 1966-1968, Curator, 1969-1977, Honorary Curator, 1978-1979; Robert C. Post, Curator, 1980-1981; and William L. Withuhn, Curator, 1983- .
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
- Berkebile, Donald H.
- Chapelle, Howard Irving
- Jackson, Melvin H.
- National Museum of American History (U.S.). Department of the History of Science and Technology
- National Museum of American History (U.S.). Hall of American Maritime Enterprise
- National Museum of History and Technology (U.S.). Department of History of Technology
- Oliver, Smith Hempstone
- Post, Robert C.
- Wheels and Wheeling: The Smithsonian Cycle Collection (Monograph : 1974)
- White, John H., 1933-
- Withuhn, William L.
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 528, National Museum of American History. Division of Transportation, Records
Container List
Box 1
Curator's Journal (S. H. Oliver), 1976-1949
Curator's Journal (S. H. Oliver), 1949-1953
Curator's Journal (S. H. Oliver), 1953-1956
Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1961-1970 (Accession 84-128)
John White, Jr. Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1971-1975 (Accession T91012)
Wheels and Wheeling Manuscript, 1974-1975
Wheels and Wheeling Photographs (2 folders) (see also Oversize)
Division of Transportation Records, 1971-1978
Academy Tankers Inc.
Alcoa Marine Corporation
Alexander and Alexander, Inc.
American Bureau of Shipping
American Commercial Barge Line Co.
American Export Lines
American Institute of Marine Underwriters
American Institute of Merchant Shipping
Arthur Smith Corporation
Ashland Oil
Bailey Coke Transport, Inc.
Barrett, David L.
Bath Iron Works Corporation
Bethlehem Steel
Boswell Oil Company
Brent Towing Co., Inc.
Campbell Barge Line, Inc.
Canal Barge Company, Inc.
Canal River Towing, Ltd.
Cargo Carriers, Inc.
Circle Line
Coles and Goertner
Crowley Maritime Corp.
Delta Concrete Co.
Dixie Carriers, Inc.
Joseph C. Domino, Inc.
Exxon Company, USA
Farrell Lines, Inc.
Federal Barge Lines, Inc.
First National Bank
Foss Company
G & C Towing, Inc.
General Electric
General Stevedores, Inc.
Gladders Barge Line, Inc.
Frank B. Hall and Co., Inc.
Hillman Foundation
Humboldt Boat Service
Huxtable, F. I.
International Harvester
International Paint Co., Inc.
Interstate Oil Transport Co.
Kaiser Services
Keystone Shipping Co.
Kidder, Peabody & Company
Kominers, Fort, Schlefer & Boyer
Lake Carriers Association
Loveland Co., Inc.
Lykes Foundation, Inc.
Maritime Overseas Corporation
Maxon Marine Industries, Inc.
MEBA Training Fund
Mobil Oil
Moore-McCormick Lines, Inc.
National Academy of Science
National Maritime Union
National Steel and Shipbuilding
Newport News Shipbuilding
Ogden Marine, Inc.
Ohio River Company
Optimos Productions, Inc.
Overseas Bulktank Corporation
PPG Industries
Pacific Cargos, Inc.
Sea Trainlines, Inc.
Shell Oil
E. D. Sherman & Company
Shipbuilders Council of America
St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp.
St. Louis Ship
Tauber Oil Co.
Thibodeaux & Co.
Tobacco Institute
Todd Shipyards
Transportation Institute
United Fruit Company
Union Mechling Corporation
United Seamen's Service
U.S. Steel
Upper Mississippi Towing Corporation
Valley Line Barge Co.
Water Transport Association
Worthington Sales Corp.
Contributors List - Maritime Hall, 1973-1974
Hall of Maritime Enterprise (HAME) - Pledges and Contributions, 1973
Private Contributions - Maritime Hall
Mailing Lists, 1973-1974
Chronological Correspondence, February 1977-July 1978 (11 folders)
Model Gift, W. J. Barta
Proposal - Liaaen-Wegner Controllable Pitch Propeller Installation for Seaboing Hopper Dredge "Chester Harding," 1957
Propulsion, 1978 (2 folders)
Hall of Maritime Enterprise - "Forging the Nation," Ben Franklin's Gulf Stream
Shipbuilding - Miscellaneous Scripts and Information
North Shore Science Museum
Hall of Maritime Enterprise - Miscellaneous
Box 2
Walker Letter, 11/26/1975
Marine Hall (Fiscal), 1970s
Fundraising, 1976
MARAD Grant, April 1976
Irvin Boyd Figurehead
Hodgson Delta Queen Engine
John E. Davis Correspondence, 1975
Hall of Maritime Enterprise - Topical Outline, 1976 (2 folders)
Shrader - Ship's Wheel, 1978
Brilliant Exhibit, 1976 (3 folders)
Hall of Maritime Enterprise - Scripts, 1976 (2 folders)
Fire Room Film
Tobacco Institute Presentation, 1976 (2 folders)
Farrell Associates - Acoustic Materials
Hall of Maritime Enterprise - MHT Undertaking
St. Lawrence Seaway
Melvin Jackson (Curator) - Miscellaneous File, 1971-1977 (2 folders)
Division of Transportation Records, 1970-1977
Gift - Design Fishing Vessels
Miscellaneous Memos and Correspondence (2 folders)
Maryland Historical Society
Philadelphia Maritime Museum
Budgets, 1974-1975
SI Memos - Hall of American Maritime Enterprise
Walker, Charles E.
Exhibit - Hall of American Maritime Enterprise Meetings
Miscellaneous Correspondence
Gifts in Process
Colonial Period - Object Research (see also Oversize)
War of 1812
Hall of Maritime Enterprise Exhibits - Whaling
H. Akerlund (Ass och beiti-ass)
Sea Ranch
Ports - Research and Notes
Ports - Contacts and Correspondence
Restrictions - Revolution
Marine and Aviation
Figureheads (Ships)
Box 3
American Maritime Enterprise Exhibit Script
American Bureau of Shipping
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers Council) Patents - Fulton
Sailors' Snug Harbor
Loan - John Fitch
Braynard - Operation Sail Archives
Gift - Rope Work
Gift - Fairland Bell
Miscellaneous Correspondence and Articles
Department of Highways, New York City
Shipyards and Shipbuilders - Final Bibliography
Bibliography - St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Projects
St. Lawrence Seaway - Correspondence and Contacts
St. Lawrence Seaway - Research and Notes
Passenger - Research and Notes
NCFA - Lyons
Running Tide Scripts
Old Lists
Hall of American Maritime Enterprise - Sailor Afloat, Sailor Ashore Narrative and Costs
Daily Logs
Division of Transportation Records, 1973-1977
"Sea Reach" Newsletter - Production File, 1970s (2 folders)
Waterway Brochure - Draft, Production File, 1970s (2 folders)
Proposal for A Hall of American Maritime Enterprise Brochure (see also Oversize)
Brilliant Installation, 1976 (2 folders)
Brilliant Installation, 1976 - Barrels
Brilliant Installation, 1976 - Tobacco
Peabody Museum
St. Louis Ship - Pilothouse, 1976 (2 folders)
Pilothouse - Media Factory
Richard Bissell - Waterways Script
Hall of American Maritime Enterprise - News Releases
Hall of American Maritime Enterprise - Miscellaneous Planning and Preparation
Hall of American Maritime Enterprise - Floor Plans
Hall of American Maritime Enterprise - U.S. Customs
Public Library of Cincinnati
Michigan State Archives
Douglas County Historical Museum
Detroit Public Library
Munson Williams Proctor Institute
Contracts and Requisitions
St. Lawrence Seaway, Opticals
Contractor - George Watson
Contractor - P. Duis
Phil Bishop - Research
Jourdon Graphics - Newsletter
Jane Ross
Nancy Kessler, Fall 1976
Travel - Future
Travel - 1975 (Hall of Maritime Enterprise)
Travel - Hall of Maritime Enterprise
Travel - New York City, 1976
Travel - New England, 1976
Travel - Nadya
Travel - Philadelphia/New York City, 1976
Travel - New York City, 1977
Travel - Sawyer
Hall of American Maritime Enterprise - Film and Photo Purchase
Melvin Jackson Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1977
Exhibits - Verbruggen Drawings
Acquisition - Figurehead, 1976
Acquisitions - Prints and Other Items, 1975-1978
Mailing List Master
Photo Orders (2 folders)
Budget, 1976
Budget - Marine Hall
Marine Hall Fund
Marine Hall Fund - Port of Oakland
Marine Hall Fundraising - Ingram Barge Company
Marine Hall Fundraising - Industrial Tank, Inc.
Marine Hail Fundraising - Lake Carriers Association
Marine Hall Fundraising - Propeller Clubs
Marine Hall Fundraising - Reynolds Metals
Marine Hall - Funding, 1972-1975
Box 4
Hall of American Maritime Enterprise - Donation Letters, Miscellaneous
Hall of American Maritime Enterprise - Donation Letters, A-Z (4 folders)
Correspondence and Subject Files, 1964-1985
Aa-Adw (4 folders)
Adirondack Museum
Ae-Alk (8 folders)
Alexander, Edwin P.
Allen County Historical Society
Alm-American C (2 folders)
American Bureau of Shipping
American E-American K
American Heritage
American L-American M
American Merchant Marine Museum Foundation
American N-American P
American Neptune
American R-Anz (4 folders)
Anspach, Denny S.
Ap-Arm (3 folders)
Army, United States
Arn-Ass (2 folders)
Association of American Railroads
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company
Atkins, Thomas V.
Au-Bak (2 folders)
Baker, William A.
Baldwin-Lim-Hamilton Corporation
B & O Railroad Museum
Bap-Bea (3 folders)
Box 5
Beb-Bem (6 folders)
Bell, Peter B.
Ben-Bez (3 folders)
Best, Gerald M.
Bethlehem Steel Co.
Bg-Bp (8 folders)
Boucher-Lewis Precision Models, Inc.
Brainerd, Henry Bowen
Bre-Bro (3 folders)
Broadbelt, H. L.
Bru-Bud (2 folders)
Buchanan, Keith
Budd Company
Bue-Bzz (4 folders)
Business History Review
Cairo, Robert F.
California State Railroad Museum
Cam-Cf (7 folders)
Box 6
Chapelle, Mrs. Howard I.
Chessie System
Chicago Historical Society
Chicago and North Western Railway Company
Cincinnati Historical Society
Cla-Coe (3 folders)
Coast Guard, United States
Cof-Colz (4 folders)
Colorado Railroad Museum
Coma-Conz (2 folders)
Condit, Carl W.
Coo-Cz (9 folders)
Curry, Field
Daa-Dav (3 folders)
David & Charles, Inc.
Davies, Owen
D.C. Transit, Inc.
Dd-Dec (2 folders)
DeBeer, Prof. Ir. Ch.
DeGolyer Foundation
Dek-Df (3 folders)
Design & Productions, Inc.
Deutches Museum
Dg-Dor (3 folders)
Dole, Richard F.
Dover Publications, Inc.
Box 7
Dow-Dz (3 folders)
Dubin, Arthur D.
Ea-El (3 folders)
Electro-Motive Division, General Motors Corporation
Eleutherian-Mills Hagley Foundation (and Historical Society)
Em-Flz (9 folders)
Ford Museum and Greenfield Village
Ford Motor Company
Francis, Edward T.
Franklin Institute
Friendship Sloop Society
Fs-Gar (3 folders)
Garden, William
Gas-Gid (4 folders)
Gibson, R. Hammond
Gie-Glz (3 folders)
Glenwood Publishers
Gma-Golz (2 folders)
Gold Coast Railroad
Golden West Books
Gom-Gras (5 folders)
Box 8
Graf-Gref (2 folders)
Greene, Howard F.
Greg-Haq (10 folders)
Hanna Associates
Hara-Harz (3 folders)
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co.
Hauck, Cornelius W.
Hea-Hen (3 folders)
Helck, Peter
Henning, Arthur G., Inc.
Heyl, Erik
Hia-Hio (2 folders)
Hilton, George W.
Hip-Inr (11 folders)
Industrial Modelcraft
Ins-Io (2 folders)
Box 9
Ip-Jac (2 folders)
Jackson, Hewitt R.
Jae-Joh (3 folders)
Johns Hopkins Press
Jol-Kel (4 folders)
Keller, John H.
Kendrick, Herbert
Kfa-Klz (3 folders)
Kline, Benjamin F. G.
Kma-Leh (9 folders)
Lehigh Valley Railroad
Lei-Loz (6 folders)
Lozier, John W.
Lta-Mac (3 folders)
Box 10
Mad-Mar (4 folders)
Mariners Museum
Maritime Administration
Maryland Historical Society
Mas-Mil (7 folders)
Middleton, William D.
Mim-Moq (3 folders)
Moore, Jim
Moroney, John W.
Mos-Mzz (3 folders)
Mystic Seaport Marine Historical Association, Inc.
McCalip, Dana L.
McD-McZ (3 folders)
Naa-Naz (2 folders)
National Capital Historical Museum of Transportation (Trolley Museum)
National Geographic Society
National Maritime Museum
National Museum of Transport
National Park Service
National Railway Historical Society
Box 11
National Railway Museum (York, England)
National Railway Publication Company
Naval Institute
Navy Department (Miscellaneous)
Nea-Nez (3 folders)
New Brunswick Museum
Newcomb, Charles J.
New York Historical Society
New York (University of/State of/State Education Department)
Nixon, George F.
Norfolk & Western Railway Co.
Norrell, Thomas
Norton, W. W. & Co., Inc.
Oaa-Olz (2 folders)
Ohio State Museum/Ohio Historical Society
Old Dartmouth Historical Society
Oma-Pee (8 folders)
Peabody Museum
Pei-Pen (2 folders)
Penn Central Railroad Company
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Pennsylvania Historical Society
Pennsylvania, Railroad Museum of
Percy, P. E.
Pes-Phi (3 folders)
Philadelphia Maritime Museum
Phk-Pzz (15 folders)
Pullen, Rear Admiral Hugh, RCN (Ret.)
Pullman Standard Company
Box 12
Qua-Rai (3 folders)
Railroad History
Railroad Magazine
Railway and Locomotive Historical Society
Rak-Ruz (23 folders)
Rusk, Henry
Ryder, F. Van Loon
Saa-Sao (3 folders)
San Francisco Maritime Museum
Sawyer, R. Tom
Sca-Sch (7 folders)
Science Museum
Sco-Sea (3 folders)
Seamen's Bank for Savings
Seb-Sez (2 folders)
Severn-Lamb, Ltd.
Sfa-Shez (3 folders)
Box 13
Shf-Sol (9 folders)
Society for the History of Technology
South Street Seaport Museum
Southern Pacific Transportation Co.
Southern Railway System
Spa-Stez (9 folders)
Stevens Institute
Stf-Swz (8 folders)
Swiss Museum of Transport and Communications
Sya-Tat (2 folders)
Taber, Thomas T. III
Tau-Ten (2 folders)
Technology and Culture
Tep-Til (6 folders)
Box 14
Tim-Tral (4 folders)
Trains Magazine
Tran-Unz (7 folders)
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Uoa-Vanz (3 folders)
Vantage Recording Company
Vao-Wooz (20 folders)
Box 15
Mary E. Braunagel, July 1, 1964-1965
James A. Knowles, April 1978-January 1984
Library, July 1, 1964-1976
John N. Stine, January 1977-December 1983
Roger B. White, July 1981-August 1984
Budget Estimates, 1985-1989
Annual Report, FY 1982/FY 1983
Miscellaneous, 1980-
William L. Withuhn
Donald Berkebile, July 1, 1964-September 1981 (2 folders)
John H. White, Jr., July 1, 1971-December 1981 (5 folders)
Box 16
John H. White, Jr., October 1976-December 1984
William E. Geoghegan, July 1964-July 1972
Robert C. Post, September 1973-October 1981
Melvin Jackson, July 1, 1971-1977
Wheels and Wheeling Photographs
"The Hall of American Maritime Enterprise: A Proposal for a New Exhibit Hall for the National Museum of History and Technology" (2 copies)
- Finding Aid encoded on: 10-31-2019
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