Reference Request
Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Record Unit 218
Smithsonian Institution. International and Environmental Programs
Records, 1962-1975
Collection Overview
General Information About This Collection | |
Repository: | Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at |
Creator: | Smithsonian Institution. International and Environmental Programs |
Title: | Records |
Dates: | 1962-1975 |
Quantity: | 22.5 cu. ft. (22 record storage boxes) (1 document box) |
Collection: | Record Unit 218 |
Language of Materials: | English |
Summary: | These records document the general administrative activities of the Office of International and Environmental Programs, and in particular, the Office's environmental research programs. They include general administrative correspondence, contract files, agency reports, program files, case files, and project reports concerning the organizational structure of the Office; personnel requirements; legal information on contractual agreements and project specifications; fiscal information relating to the Foreign Currency Program; budgetary outlays and fund allocations; and environmental information relating to marine ecology, schistosomiasis, specific fauna, and other scientific projects. |
Historical Note
In October 1973 the Office of International and Environmental Programs (OIEP) was established by merging the previously created Office of International Activities with the Office of Environmental Science. Wimberly Coerr, former ambassador to Ecuador and Uruguay, was appointed director of the new office.
The Office of International Activities had been created in 1966 to develop and administer programs of international cooperation, emphasizing basic research in the humanities and sciences, and to administer the Smithsonian Foreign Currency Program. William Warner was appointed Director. When Warner became acting assistant secretary for public service in 1968, David Challinor was appointed acting director. Challinor became director in 1969 and served in that capacity until he became acting assistant secretary (science) in 1971. Challinor was succeeded by Kenneth B. Schmertz, who was appointed acting director.
The Office of Environmental Science was established in October 1969, with Irvin Eugene Wallen appointed as its director. The Office's primary function was to make visible the Smithsonian's research projects in environmental science and find ways of receiving financial support and scientific collaboration from other environmental agencies.
When the two offices merged, William L. Eilers was appointed deputy director of OIEP and acting director of the Ecology Program. Schmertz was made director of the Smithsonian Foreign Currency Program.
Under OIEP, the old programs were given continued support. Those programs included the Oceanography and Limnology Program, which consisted mainly of two oceanographic sorting centers processing bulk marine samples, monitoring and assessing marine pollution, and conducting environmental prediction studies; the Ecology Program, which assisted in planning for the selection of ecologically significant localities in the United States through studies provided by the Center for Natural Areas and, through the Smithsonian-Peace Corps Environmental Program, helped develop Peace Corps projects concerning environmental problems abroad and recruited project applicants skilled in the environmental biological sciences; the International Activities Program, which granted awards to American institutions and Smithsonian units conducting research in those countries where the United States held an excess of local currency and assisted Smithsonian personnel involved in travel and research abroad; and the Center for Short-Lived Phenomena, which operated a world-wide electronic alert system in order to collect data concerning natural and environmental events of short duration.
Descriptive Entry
These records document the general administrative activities of the Office of International and Environmental Programs, and in particular, the Office's environmental research programs. They include general administrative correspondence, contract files, agency reports, program files, case files, and project reports concerning the organizational structure of the Office; personnel requirements; legal information on contractual agreements and project specifications; fiscal information relating to the Foreign Currency Program; budgetary outlays and fund allocations; and environmental information relating to marine ecology, schistosomiasis, specific fauna, and other scientific projects.
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
- Animals
- Environmental chemistry
- Environmental sciences
- Marine ecology
- Museum finance
- Research
- Schistosomiasis
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 218, Smithsonian Institution, International and Environmental Programs, Records
Container List
Series 1
Administration - Average Grade, 1971-1973
Administration - OES Fund Raising, 1973
AID (Agency for International Development), 1969-1973
AID Aquatic Plants, 1970
AID BIOTROP (Regional Center for Tropical Biology), 1969-1972 (3 folders)
AID Brazil, 1972-1973
AID Chile, 1969-1970
AID EAAFRO (East African Agriculture and Forest Research Organization), 1969-1970
AID Freeman, Peter H. (Korea, Indonesia, Ghana, etc.), 1971-1974
AID Ghana, 1971-1973
AID Indonesia, 1969-1974
AID Kenya, 1970-1973
AID Kenya - Myers Bibliography, 1973
AID Korea, 1972-1974
AID Mekong, 1969-1970 (3 folders)
Box 2
AID Mekong, 1970-1974 (7 folders)
AID Mekong - Consultants, 1972-1974
AID Mekong - Contracts, 1971-1974
AID Mekong - Correspondence, 1971-1974
AID Mekong - Financial Reports, 1971-1974
AID Mekong - Miscellaneous Reports, 1972-1974
Box 3
AID Mekong - Photographs
AID Mekong - Quarterly Reports, 1970-1974
AID Mekong - Schistosomiasis, 1973-1974 (3 folders)
AID Mekong - Supplemental Material, 1973
AID Sahel, 1974
AID Support, 1970-1973
Air Force, 1943
American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO), 1971-1973
American Samoa
Animal Tracking, 1970 (2 folders)
Box 4
Animal Tracking, 1971
Anthropology, 1973
Arabian (Persian) Gulf, 1972
Arctic, 1970
Argentina, 1970
Army, 1969
Awards, 1965-1973
Bangladesh, 1972-1973
Bicentennial, 1970-1974
Biological Control, 1972
Bolivia, 1972
Booth, Julie, Fund No. 6551: Vetleen, 1966-1971
Brandywine River Museums, 1972
Brazil, 1972-1974
Browning Prize, 1971-1974
Burma, 1973-1974
Caribbean - Possible Project, 1974
Carson Trust for the Living Environment, Inc., Rachel, 1967-1969
Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, 1969
Center for the Study of Man, 1971
Ceylon, 1972
Chesapeake Bay Biological Research Planning, 1970-1972
Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies, 1969-1972 (3 folders)
China, 1971-1974
Box 5
China - Schistosomiasis, 1973-1974
Coastal Engineering Research Center Fund 7208, 1970-1972 (2 folders)
Colombia, 1972-1974
Committee on Environmental Quality, 1970-1972
Committee on Intergovernmental Science Relation, 1970
Concern, 1972
Conservation Report, 1973
Cornell University, 1970-1971
Corps of Engineers - Advisory Committee, 1971-1972
Corps of Engineers - Proposals, 1970-1973
Corps of Engineers - Study of Ocean Waste Disposal, 1970 (2 folders)
Darwin Foundation, 1971
Data Processing, 1969-1970
Del Vecchio, Professor De Paolini (Correspondence), 1973
Diving, 1972
Drug Enforcement Administration, 1974
East-West Center, 1974
Ecological Assessment in Southeast Asia, 1973
Ecology, 1966-1974
Ecology - Aswan Dam, 1973
Ecology - Center for Natural Areas, 1972-1974
Ecology - Contract 5623, 1974
Ecology - Contract 7344, 1974
Ecology - Contract 7368, 1974
Ecology - Contract 7376, 1974
Box 6
Ecology - Ecological Baseline Survey (Johnston Atoll), 1973-1974
Ecology - Nam Ngum Project, 1973-1975
Ecology - Nature Conservancy Contract 5592, 1971-1974
Education Committee, 1970-1971
Environmental Defense Fund, 1974
Environmental Education, 1971-1973
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1971-1975
Environmental Protection Research Institute, 1972
Environmental Quality Control, 1965-1972
Environmental Science Planning Council, 1970
Environmental Sciences Program, 1971
Environmental Sciences Program - Budget, 1970-1973
Box 7
Environmental Science Program - Progress Reports, 1973-1974
Exhibits, 1969-1973
Federal Council for Science Technology (FCST), 1969-1973
Federal Executive Institute, 1969-1970
Film, 1973
Film Unit for SI, 1971
Flora North America, 1971
Flood and Agriculture Organization of the U.N., 1962-1970
Ford Foundation, 1964
Foreign Currency Project and Expenditures in Environmental Science, 1967-1968
Fosberg, Ray, 1969-1974
Freshwater Keys - EPA, 1971-1973
Galapagos Books by Yale Dawson, 1971-1974
Garbisch, Edgar
Georgia Institute of Technology (Lehner), 1972
Ghana, 1970-1974
Glynn, Peter, 1967-1973
Goals, National, 1969
Greece, 1971
Gund Foundation, 1970-1971
Harbor Branch Foundation L., 1973
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1974
Indonesia, 1967-1973 (4 folders)
Interagency Committee on Marine Science and Engineering, 1971-1974
Box 8
Inter-America Institute of Ecology, 1971-1972
Interior Ad Hoc Committee - Evaluation of Influence of Dumping in New York Bight, 1970
International Biological Program (IBP), 1972-1974
International Decade of Ocean Exploration, 1969-1972 (6 folders)
International Decade of Ocean Exploration, 1972-1974 (3 folders)
International Environmental Science Program (IESP), 1974 (2 folders)
International Institute for Environmental Affairs (IIEA), 1971
International Platform Association, 1970
International Society Limnologiae, 1970-1971
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 1970-1974
Box 9
Iran, 1968-1969
Iran Foundation, 1970-1972 (3 folders)
Israel, 1973
Italy, 1970
Ivory Coast, 1968-1970
Janss, 1969-1971
Japan, 1973-1974
Jefferson Island, 1968-1970
Johnson, Fenimore, 1961-1972 (2 folders)
Johnson Sea-Link, 1971-1973
Knutson - Proposal, 1972-1973
Kuwait, 1969-1971
Box 10
Libraries, 1972-1973
Malaysia, 1973-1975
Malta, 1972
Marine Environmental Prediction (MAREP), 1970-1973
Marine Mammals, 1970-1973
Marine Programs and Activities, 1967
Marine Technology Society, 1970-1973
Max-Planck Institute, 1974
Mediterranean, 1970-1971
Mexico, 1973-1974
Moreira, Dr. Plinio S., 1971
National Academy of Engineering, 1970
National Academy of Science, 1970-1974 (2 folders)
National Air and Space Council, 1969
National Environmental Center, 1971
National Geographic Society, 1969-1974
National Institute of Ecology, 1967-1971
National Institute of Health, 1964-1970
National Marine Fisheries Service, 1970-1973
National Museum of Natural History, 1971-1974
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1970-1974
National Parks, 1972
National Zoological Park, 1970-1974
Naval Oceanographic Office, 1967
Naval Research Advisory Committee, 1971
Newsletter, 1967-1972
Nigeria, 1972
Night Observation Devices, 1969-1972
Non-Government Organizations (NGO), 1973
Ocean Affairs Board, 1970
Oceanographic Research Vessel, 1967-1972
Oceanography - General, 1971-1974
Oceanography and Limnology - Chesapeake Bay Biota Contract, 1973-1974
Oceanography and Limnology - Chesapeake Research Consortium, 1973-1974
Box 11
Oceanography and Limnology - Higgins Trip Reports, 1972-1974
Oceanography and Limnology Program, 1964-1974
Office of Naval Research - Advisors (ONR), 1971
Organization of American States (OAS), 1970-1971
Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD), 1972
Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program (POBSP), 1965-1970 (2 folders)
Pacific Science Association, 1971-1972
Pacific Science Center, 1969
Pacific Science Congress, 1971
Pakistan, 1967-1969
Peabody, Raymond A., 1968
Phonocardioscan Task Force Meeting, 1967
Pollution, 1965-1972
Ponnamperuma, 1974
Popular Island, 1967-1970 (2 folders)
Box 12
Popular Island, 1971-1972
Population Crisis, 1974
Presidential Interns, 1971
Publications, 1972-1974
Public Relations, 1970-1974
Radio Smithsonian Correspondence, 1972-1974
Research Awards Program: Proposals, 1972-1973
Ripley - Articles, 1966-1974
Ripley - Correspondence, 1971-1974
Ripley - Indonesia Travel, 1973
Rockefeller Foundation, 1973-1974
Royal Swedish Embassy, 1972
Sahel: Possible Project, 1974
Schistosomiasis - China, 1967-1970
Schistosomiasis - Proposals, 1972
Schistosomiasis - Workshop, 1972-1974
Science and Government Report, 1972-1973
SCOPE - UNEP, 1972-1973
SEADAG - Asia Society (Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group), 1972-1973
SEA - Grant (Sailing Education Association), 1971-1972
Sedimentology, 1969-1970
Seminars, 1971-1974
Senate of Scientists, 1966-1972
SID World Conference, 1972
Sierra Club, 1974
Sino-American Workshop, 1971-1973
Skadar Lake, 1970-1974
Box 13
Sloan Foundation, Alfred P., 1964
Smithsonian Associates, 1973
Smithsonian Council, 1965-1974
Smithsonian Magazine, 1971-1973
Smithsonian Overseas Activities Compendium, 1972
Smithsonian Press, 1972-1974
Smithsonian Research Foundation, 1974
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), 1968-1974 (4 folders)
Southeast Asia Mosquito Project, 1973
Stockholm Conference, 1973 (2 folders)
Tai Ping Foundation, 1973
Taiwan, 1966-1974
Talbot, Dr. Lee M., 1965-1971
Teach-in, 1969-1970
Tektite, 1969-1971 (2 folders)
Tektite Reports, 1970
Television, Films, 1972-1974
Box 14
Thailand, 1972-1974
Time Capsule, 1972
Travel Information, 1973-1974
Traveling Exhibits - SI, 1972
Tropical Forest Conservation, 1973-1974
Tropical Forests - Publications, 1973
Tropical Island Ecosystems, 1974
Tsuda, Dr. Roy, 1971-1972
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 1968-1974
United States Antarctic Research Program, 1972
United States - French Cooperation, 1970
United States Information Agency, 1973-1974
University of Chicago - Humberto Fernandez-Moran, 1974
Venezuela Program Development, 1974
Wallen, Dr. I. E. - Harbor Branch Foundation, 1970-1973
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1970-1974
World Bank, 1970-1973
World Health Organization, 1972-1974
Yugoslavia, 1972
Series 2
Ghana Case File
Afriyie, E. K., 1970
Ahn; Barning and Banson; Barnes; and Brokensha, 1970
Anonymous Authors, 1970
Biswas, E. R. I. and S., 1967
Cansdale; Child and Manu; Coche, 1968
Colaris and Hackett; Colson, 1970
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), 1970
Curry-Lindahl; Czernin-Chudenitz, 1971 Daget and Iltis; Daries; De-Heer Amissah; Edgecomb;
Entz Evans and Vanderpuye; Ewer, 1965-1970
Hall and Pople; Holm et al., Innes, Irvine, 1968-1970
Institute of Aquatic Biology, 1969-1970
Jenik and Lawson; Kalitsi; Kennedy; Krishnamurty, 1971
Box 15
Lawson, G. W. and R. M., 1963-1968
McLachlan; Obeng; H. B. and L. Paperna; People, W., 1967-1968
People, W. and Rogoyska, 1970
Petr, T., 1969
Pierce, Phillip C., 1971
Proszynska; Regier, 1966-1970
Reynolds, Julian D., 1967-1971
Richards; Richardson; Roberts; Roman; Smithsonian Institution; Starnes and Smith; Steemers,
Scudder, 1971
Taylor, B. W.; Taylor, G. T., and McAlister; Terry and Minlo; Titati and Gilbert, 1969-1970
Vanderpuye, 1971-1972
Volta Lake Research Project; Volta Basin Research Project, 1969-1972
VRA - Annual Reports, Miscellaneous Publications, 1963-1967
VRA - Bibliography, 1971-1972
Westaway; Whitehead; Worthington; Wuddah, 1967-1969
Indonesia Case Study
Gorden Report, 1972
Indonesia Bilal Edit, 1972
Indonesia Master Edit, 1972
Indonesia Summary, 1973
Johannes Report, 1972
Literature Cited, 1967-1971
Lovell Report, 1973
Onuf's Annotated Bibliography - Final edit draft, 1971-1973
Revised Preface, 1974
Box 16
STRI Witwater Oil Spill Study, 1969-1973
Woods' Edit, 1967-1971
Seoul Case Study
Air, 1969-1972
Introduction, 1970 (2 folders)
Introduction - Synthesis, 1972
Korea Material, 1972
Pest, 1972
References, 1972
Squatters, Etc., 1972-1973
Transportation, 1973
Waste, 1972
Water, 1972
Volta Lake Case Study
Acknowledgments, 1972-1973
Beeton, Alfred Merle, 1973
Boland, John J., 1973
Cross - Critiques, 1974
Draft, Jan. 1974
Freeman Edit, 1973
Gaudet, John, 1973
Introduction, 1972
Knutson, Lloyd V., 1974
Livingstone, 1973
Plan Progress and Notes, 1973
Report Summaries, 1973
Resettlement, 1970
Resettlement Review, 1970
Reynolds, Julian D., 1973
Robinson, William S., 1973
Thomas, Harold, 1973
Wiredu, Joseph, 1973
Series 3
Basic Ordering Agreement, 1970-1971 (2 folders)
Chronological Files - William L. Eilers, July-November 1971 (5 folders)
Box 17
Chronological Files - Peter H. Freeman March 1972-May 1974 (24 folders)
Chronological Files - June 1974-July 1974 (2 folders)
Computer Runs (4 folders)
Issuance for Consultants, 1971
Consultants: Letter of Appointment, 1971
Consultants: Letter of Appreciation, 1971
Consultants: Miscellaneous Curriculum Vitaes, 1971
Contract - General Provisions, 1973
Contract Review
Fiscal: Analysis of AID Program, 1972-1973
Fiscal: Disbursements, 1972
Freeman - Travel: Caracas, 1974
Freeman - Travel: Columbia University, 1972
Freeman - Travel: Conference-Washington, D.C., 1973
Freeman - Travel: Ghana, 1972
Freeman - Travel: Seoul and Djakarta, 1972-1973 (2 folders)
Internal Documentation - General, 1970
Man-Made Lake - Scope Report - Gilbert F. White
Miscellaneous: Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE), 1972-1973
Miscellaneous: MacBryde, Bruce, 1972-1973
Miscellaneous: Mahlanga, Liberty, 1973
Miscellaneous: Miss Lee Hyo-chae, 1972-1973
Miscellaneous: Quinn, H. EPA, 1973
Miscellaneous: Regional Information Network, 1973
Program Administration: Correspondence - William L. Eilers, 1972-1973
Program Administration: Office Memos and Announcements, 1972
Program Administration: Request for Duplicating, 1972
Program Administration: Request for Literature/Publications, 1972-1973
Program Administration: Request for Photographic Services, 1972-1974
Program Administration: Workshops - Guides for Organization, 1972
Progress Reports, September 1, 1970-July 31, 1974 (10 folders)
Progress Reports, Interim Reports, 1971-1972
Progress Reports, Monthly-Quarterly Effort Report
SI Personnel: Aziz Mohammed, Ghana, 1972
SI Personnel: Dillon, Wilton, 1970
SI Personnel: Freeman, Peter H., 1972-1973 (3 folders)
SI Personnel: Mowll, Kenneth U., 1972-1973 (2 folders)
SI Personnel: Rachwartono, Rio, 1972-1973
SI Personnel: Research Personnel, 1971-1972
SI Personnel: Woods, S. C., 1973
Task Order: Correspondence on T. O.s
Task Order: Designation of Responsibility
Task Order: Personnel Data - Eilers, William L., 1971-1972
Task Order: Personnel Data - Freeman, Peter H., 1972
Task Order: T. O. No. 3, Expansion of T. O. No. 1
Task Order: T. O. No. 4
Task Order No. 1 Country Survey - Korea
Task Order No. 1
Korea, 1972 (2 folders)
Barbehenn, Dr. Kyle (workshop), 1972-1973
Bowerman, Dr. Frank (workshop), 1971-1974
Case Study final review draft
Communications with Contract Offices
Correspondence with Field, 1970-1973
Correspondence with Washington/AID, 1970-1974
Box 18
Coughlin, Dr. Richard J., workshop, 1972
Distribution of Report (Working Paper), 1972
Follow-up, 1972-1973
Frankenhoff, Dr. Charles Jr., 1972-1973
Hall, Dr. William A. workshop, 1972-1973
Hall Report - Human Health Aspects of Urbanization of Seoul
Individual Project Proposal for the Smithsonian Institution's Cooperative Ecological Study in
Krieger, Dr. Martin H. Consultant, 1973
Lee, Dr. S. D., Trip Report, 1971
Lodge, Dr. James P. Jr., workshop, 1971-1973
McCarty, Dr. Perry L., workshop, 1972
Meeting on Environmental Problems, 1971
Myers, Dr. Norman
Newson, Dr. Harold D., 1972-1973
Pak Tae-Jin, 1971-1972
Preliminary Final Report, 1972
Preparation for 1972 Travel of AID Consultants, 1971-1972
Prospective Participants, 1970-1972
Prospective Participants for 1972 Travel
Report Review Correspondence, 1973
Resource Materials, 1971
Ro, Dr. Chae-Shik, 1973
Schofer, Dr. Joseph L. workshop, 1972-1974
Scientist participating - Volta Lake Study, 1973
Seoul - AID Mission, 1971-1972
Seoul Metropolitan Government, Etc., 1973-1974 (3 folders)
Seoul Seminar on Saving the Human Environment, 1971
Sloan, Lindley S., 1973
Sloboda, John E., 1972
Spilhaus, Dr. Athelstan, 1971
Summary Report, 1972
Trip Report - Freeman, 1972
Trip to Seoul, 1973
Tyson's Final Report
Wallen, I. E., 1970
Workshop I - Briefing for Consultants to Korea, 1972
Workshop II - June 1972, 1972
Workshop II - Review of Proceedings, 1972
Workshop III - Seoul, 1973
Urbanization of Seoul (Folders 1-5 of 8)
Box 19
Urbanization of Seoul (Folders 6-8 of 8)
Task Order No. 2 Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing, 1970-1973 (5 folders)
Task Order No. 3
Administrative: Disbursement, 1970-1974
Administrative: General Budget
Administrative: Staff
Ghana: Adumua-Bossman, Dr. J. A., 1973
Ghana: AID/Ghana, 1972-1974
Ghana: Beeton, Dr. A. M., 1973
Ghana: Berg, Clifford O., 1970
Ghana: Bibliography - Lake Volta, 1973
Ghana: Boland, Dr. John J., 1973
Ghana: Boughey, Dr. Arthur S., 1972-1973
Ghana: Bretschko, Dr. Gernot, 1973
Ghana: Brokensha, Dr. David, 1972
Ghana: Coche, A. G., 1974
Ghana: Contract, 1973
Ghana: Cooper, Dr. Robert C., 1973
Ghana: Cox, Dr. George W., 1972
Ghana: Edgcomb, Mrs. Gabrielle, 1972
Ghana: Freeman Trip Report, 1972
Ghana: Gaudet, Dr. John J., 1973
Ghana: Ghanaian Embassy, 1971-1973
Ghana: Glover, Dr. B. K., 1972
Ghana: Hall, Dr. William A., 1972-1973
Ghana: Jenkins and Ayensu Travel, 1970-1971
Ghana: Knutson, Dr. Lloyd V., 1973
Ghana: Kwapong, Dr. Alexander, 1973
Ghana: Lake Volta Limnology (Berg), 1971
Ghana: Livingstone, Dr. D. A, 1973
Ghana: Nelson, Dr. Joan Marie, 1972-1973
Ghana: Obeng, Dr. Letitia, 1972
Ghana: Odum, Dr. William, 1972-1973
Ghana: Pierce, Phillip, 1973-1974
Ghana: Proposed Study Agenda, 1972
Ghana: Prospective Participants, 1969-1973
Ghana: Quartey, E. L., 1971-1974
Ghana: Reining, Mrs. Priscilla, 1972
Ghana: Requests for Literature, 1973 (2 folders)
Ghana: Reynolds, Dr. Julian D., 1973-1974
Ghana: Robinson, William S., 1973-1974
Ghana: Scudder, Thayer, 1971
Ghana: Study Plan - Wallen, 1971
Ghana: Thomas, Dr. Harold, 1972-1973
Ghana: UNDP/VLRP, 1972
Ghana: U.N. Economic Commission for Africa, 1970-1972
Ghana: U.S. Geological Survey Office - International Geology, 1972
Ghana: Volta Basin Research Project, 1972-1973
Box 20
Ghana: Volta Consultant Reports, 1973
Ghana: Volta River Authority - Distribution and Request, 1972-1973 (3 folders)
Ghana: Volta workshop, 1972
Ghana: Wallen, Dr. I. E., 1970-1971
Ghana: Washington/AID, 1972-1974
Ghana: Weck, Miss Susan Gale, 1970
Ghana: West African Center for Environmental Research
Ghana: White, Dr. Gilbert F., 1973
Ghana: Wiredu, Joseph, 1972-1974
Ghana: Workshop Agenda and Materials Distribution, 1972
Ghana: Workshop Organization, 1972
Indonesia: AID/Indonesia, 1971-1974
Indonesia: Airgram on Workshop
Indonesia: Bardach, Dr John E., 1973
Indonesia: Biglane, Kenneth E., 1973
Indonesia: Bilal, Jasper, 1972-1974
Indonesia: Borgstrom, Dr. Georg, 1972-1973
Indonesia: Cicchetti, Dr. Charles J., 1973
Indonesia: Eilers Travel, 1971
Indonesia: Glynn, Dr. Peter, 1972-1973
Indonesia: Gordon, Dr. Morton, 1972-1974
Indonesia: Great Barrier Reef - Royal Commission Report, 1972
Indonesia: Holmes, Dr. Robert W., 1972-1973
Indonesia: Johannes, Dr. Robert E., 1972-1973
Indonesia: Knetsch, Jack, 1972
Indonesia: Lemigas, 1971
Indonesia: Lemigas Pollution Study Group Research Abstract, 1971
Indonesia: Lipi, 1971
Indonesia: Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography - Marine Oil Pollution, 1973
Indonesia: Lovell, Russell A. Jr., 1973
Indonesia: Mathias, Jack A., 1972
Indonesia: Non-Project Correspondence, 1971-1973
Indonesia: Onuf, Dr. Christopher, 1972-1974 (2 folders)
Box 21
Indonesia: Preliminary Outline - Pollution from Oil
Indonesia: Preliminary Working Paper, 1973
Indonesia: Preliminary Working Papers - Study of Marine Oil Pollution, 1973
Indonesia: Preparations, 1971
Indonesia: Prospective Participants, 1971-1972
Indonesia: Request for Publications, 1973
Indonesia: St. Amant, Dr. Lyle S., 1973
Indonesia: Straits of Malacca Spill Plan, 1973
Indonesia: Summary Description - Marine Pollution, 1972
Indonesia: Sweet, Dr. William E. Jr., 1972
Indonesia: Travel - Needs and Costs, 1972
Indonesia: Tropical Products Institute (London), 1972
Indonesia: Wallen Travel, 1971
Indonesia: Wang, Dr. Frank, 1972
Indonesia: Washington/AID, 1973-1974
Indonesia: Wisaksono, Dr. Wahjudi, 1972-1974
Indonesia: Workshop Notes of Proceedings, 1972
Indonesia: Workshop Organization, 1972
Indonesia: Workshop Summary of Proceedings, 1972
Indonesia: Workshop I Djakarta, 1972
Indonesia: Workshop II, 1973
Indonesia: Workshop III, 1973
Task Order No. 4
Brazil: Belem-Brazilia Highway, 1970-1972
Brazil: Communications with Contract Offices, 1970
Brazil: Communications with OAS/Washington
Brazil: Contacts in Brazil, 1973
Brazil: Correspondence with AID/Washington, 1970-1972
Brazil: Correspondence with Field, 1970-1971
Brazil: In House Correspondence, 1966-1972
Brazil: Museum of Science and Technology, 1971-1972
Brazil: Possible Participants, 1970-1972
Brazil: Tropical Road Study - Proposals, 1972
Brazil: Wallen Travel, 1970
Ecuador: Correspondence with Field, 1972
Ivory Coast: Communications with AID, 1971
Ivory Coast: In House Correspondence, 1971
Ivory Coast: Wallen Travel, 1971
Kenya: AID, 1971-1973
Kenya: Annotated Bibliography - Norman Myers, 1973
Kenya: Background Materials, 1972
Kenya: Buechner's Proposed African Trip, 1971
Kenya: Case Study - Nairobi National Park
Kenya: Hall, Dr. William, 1972
Kenya: Hyder, Dr. Mohammed, 1972-1973
Kenya: Jenkins, Dr. Dale W., 1970-1971
Kenya: Non-Project Correspondence, 1971-1973
Kenya: Prospective Participants, 1971-1972
Kenya: Request for Publications, 1972-1973
Kenya: Review of Literature, 1972
Kenya: Scudder, Dr. Thayer, 1971
Kenya: Talbot, Dr. Lee, 1971-1972
Kenya: Talbot, Mrs. Martha, 1971
Kenya: Wallen, Dr. I. E., 1971
Kenya: Washington/AID, 1970-1973
Kenya: Workshop Organization, 1972
Morocco, 1971
Philippines, 1972
Series 4
Office of Assistant Secretary (Science) - Office of Environmental Science
Applicants, 1971
Association with BIOTROP, 1971
Budget, 1971
Bureau, 1971
Center for Short-Lived Phenomena, 1971-1972
Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies, 1971-1972 (2 folders)
Coerr, Wimberley, 1973
Conference on the Human Environment, 1971
Ecology Program - General, 1971
Ecology Program - Peace Corps, 1971
Ecology Program - Dr. Lee N. Talbot Leave of Absence, 1971
Fort Pierce Facility, 1971
General, 1971-1973
Housekeeping, 1971-1972
International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE), 1971
Mediterranean Marine Sorting Center, 1971
Newsletter, 1971
Oceanography and Limnology Program - General, 1971
Presidential Science and Engineering Internship, 1971
Propose Indian Ecology Institute, 1971
Replies to General Inquiries, 1971-1972
Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center, 1971
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, 1971
State-FCST Natural Disaster, 1971
Waterborne Diseases of the Mekong Project, 1971
Series 5
Ecology - Helmut Buechner, April 22, 1968
Ecology - Challinor (2 reels)
Ecology - David Squire, May 20, 1968
Ecology - Tom Soderstrom, May 6, 1968
Ecology - Lee Talbot, June 10, 1968
Ecology - Talbot and Challinor, June 3, 1968
Ecology - George Watson
Ecology - Lee Talbot and Joren Horsley, "Endangered Species and Vanishing Habitats, So What?"
Ecology - Panel Discussion, "Recycling, Restraint, and Steady State Systems; Physical Alternatives to Our Present Environmental Situation." Panelists: Helmut Buechner, William Pratt, Edward Carmody, Ellis Yochelson, Thomas Feininger, and Cynthia Helms.
Ecology - Dasmann, May 27, 1968
16-mm Microfilm, Alphabetical AF and UR Roster (3 reels)
Series 6
Lectures and speeches given as part of the "Encounter with the Environment" lecture series, numbers 1-7 (7 folders)
Series 7
AID TASK ORDERS AND RELATED MATERIALS (continued from Series 3)Box 23
Task Order Related Material
In-House Communication on AID Support, 1970-1972
Involvement of Private Firms in AID Environmental Activities
Smithsonian Project Proposal to AID on Environmental Assessment
Series 8
Office of the Secretary
Office of the Under Secretary
Office of the Assistant Secretary (Science)
- Finding Aid encoded on: 8-11-2020
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