Libbie Henrietta Hyman (1888-1969)
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Form/Genre: Black-and-white photographs
Citation: Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 90-105, Science Service Records, Image No. SIA2008-4247
Libbie Henrietta Hyman (1888-1969) graduated from the University of Chicago in 1910 and earned a Ph.D. degree from Chicago in 1915. She stayed at the university with an appointment as a research assistant until 1931 because, despite her pioneering work on classification of invertebrates and her publication volume (six major books and over 100 articles), other universities would not hire her because she was Jewish. In 1937 she was appointed as a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History. This photograph was distributed in 1941 with a press release by her alma mater. By then, her five-volume work on invertebrate zoology was considered the classic reference on the topic.
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 90-105, Science Service Records, Image No. SIA2008-4247
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507; 600 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20024-2520
Black-and-white photographs
SIA Acc. 90-105 [SIA2008-4247]