Online Resources
Sources within the Smithsonian
The Smithsonian Institution:
- http://www.si.edu - contains general information about the Institution and links to museums, research centers, and Encyclopedia Smithsonian.
Other sources helpful for answering commonly asked reference questions:
Sources outside the Smithsonian
History of Science:
- http://gort.ucsd.edu/ds/initial.html - This is the University of California at San Diego's library catalog which is helpful for finding monograph titles and locations of archives/manuscript collections regarding the history of science.
Media Information:
Reference questions regarding the Washington,
DC, metro area:
- http://dclibrary.org/ - DC Public Library (MLK Library), Washingtoniana Division.
- http://www.historydc.org/ - DC Historical Society/City Museum.
- http://www.co.arlington.va.us/lib/sites/history.htm - Links to history and archives sources in the U.S. Also includes links to famous biographies, African-American history, the presidency, Native Americans, the Civil War, and local DC metro area history. Also includes links concerning women's history, first ladies, and the WWI document archives.
- http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/wash/sitelist.htm
- Washington, DC, list of sites. Provides links to webpages
for most indoor and outdoor historical sites in DC. Divided
into geographical areas of the city. Includes links to maps
of DC.
United States government resources:
Other, basic reference sources:
- http://www.wikipedia.org/ - Wikipedia. Online encyclopedia.
- http://dir.yahoo.com/Reference/ - Yahoo.com Reference. Contains thousands of links to useful reference sources of the "commonly asked questions" type including almanacs, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, flags, journals, libraries, phone and address information, and statistics.
- http://www.lib.purdue.edu/reference/ - "The Virtual Reference Desk" at Purdue University Libraries. Links to maps, area codes, news archives, selected dissertations, science data including conversion tables and the Periodic Table of the Elements, calendars, postal information including international country codes, and selected federal government documents including census information.
- http://www.biography.com - A&E television network. Short blurbs including birth and death dates for thousands of well-known individuals.
- http://www.refdesk.com/ and http://www.refdesk.com/facts.html - refdesk.com. Contains links to reference information on almost all imaginable topics including links to major U.S. newspapers.
- http://www.ibiblio.org/lia/president/ - Lists links to information about presidential libraries, presidents, and first ladies.
- http://geography.about.com/science/geography/library/misc/blpostal.htm - U.S. state postal abbreviations.
- http://libraryspot.com - LibrarySpot. Information page for the latest in reference issues. Also lists a variety of libraries available online. The "Reference Desk" feature includes links to business associations, almanacs, biographies, government, law, genealogy, encyclopedias, etc.
- http://www.appraisers.org - The American Society of Appraisers. A referral service is offered.
- http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/ - WorldCat
- http://www.jstor.org/ - JSTOR
- http://www.archivegrid.org/web/index.jsp - ArchivalGrid
Revised 1/11/2008 |