Databases and Indexes

History of the Smithsonian Catalog:
The History of the Smithsonian catalog searches across five databases documenting the history of the Smithsonian: Smithsonian History Bibliography, Smithsonian History Chronology, Smithsonian Legal Documents, Historic Images of the Smithsonian, and Smithsonian Board of Regents. Results can be limited to a single database or sorted by database. To search a single database, select the combined keyword search screen and limit your search to that database. To use the browse function for a single database, use the limit function on your results screen. See Special Topics tab for pre-set searches on special topics on the history of the Smithsonian. To search the Catalog, go to and select the History of the Smithsonian Catalog.

  • History of Smithsonian Bibliography
    The History of Smithsonian Bibliography contains 1400 annotated bibliographic citations describing published and unpublished materials (books, journal and newspaper articles, dissertations, reports, lectures, and correspondence) about the history of the Smithsonian Institution.
  • History of Smithsonian Chronology
    The History of Smithsonian Chronology contains 2400 records documenting significant events in the history of the Smithsonian Institution, from the life of James Smithson in the 1700s to the present. Events documented include new programs, buildings, exhibits, expeditions, expositions, important staff appointments, special events, and special acquisitions, etc.
  • Smithsonian Legal Documents
    The Smithsonian Legal Documents contains 1300 citations to legal documents that are significant in history of the Smithsonian Institution, including statutes at large, court cases, wills and bequests, executive orders, legal opinions, and special reports. Some documents have been digitized, with links to text files.
  • Historic Images of the Smithsonian
    The Historic Images of the Smithsonian consists of 3000 citations to historic images of the Smithsonian, primarily from the Smithsonian Institution Archives. Types of images include people, buildings, artifacts and specimens, exhibits, expeditions, expositions, and special events, ranging from the Smithson family in the 1700s to the present. Each entry consists of text information about each image. Some images have been digitized, and jpegs of those are available.
  • Smithsonian Board of Regents
    The Smithsonian Board of Regents contains biographical information on the over 300 members of the Institution’s Board of Regents, from our founding in 1846 to the present. Entries consist of names, titles, birth and death dates, occupations, tenures as a Regent, public law appointing them, special roles as a Regent, type of Regent, the state they are from, biographical citations and sources of images.

For further information about the History of the Smithsonian catalog, visit our website at http://www.siarchives/history/main.html. You can also reach us at Institutional History Division, Smithsonian Institution Archives, P. O. Box 37012, Capital Gallery Building, Suite 3000, MRC 507, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, Telephone: 202-633-5870, Email:

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Joseph Henry Papers Document Database:
A computerized, item-level index of documents related to Joseph Henry, first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Each document is described by author, recipient, date, repository, and number of pages, thus allowing for greater search flexibility and the quick delivery of customized reports. For additional information, please contact

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Name and Subject Index:
One half of the Index to Finding Aids, the Name Index is an alphabetical list of personal names appearing in the Smithsonian Institution Archives' historical records and manuscript holdings. Use it in conjunction with the Guide to the Smithsonian Archives (1996) and the Smithsonian Institution Research Information Service (SIRIS) to locate records by or about secretaries, regents, Smithsonian staff, benefactors of the Smithsonian, United States political figures, notable foreign and domestic scientists, and other prominent individuals. The second half of the Index to Finding Aids, the Subject Index is an alphabetical list of non-personal names and subject terms appearing in the Smithsonian Institution Archives' historical records and manuscript holdings. The index lists the dates for which subjects appear and the record unit in which they appear. Use it in conjunction with the Guide to the Smithsonian Archives (1996), SIRIS, the Smithsonian Chronology and a variety of other information files and databases listed in this brochure to find records on the subjects you are interested in.

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Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS):
An interactive, integrated system of research catalogs maintained by the Smithsonian Institution's archives, libraries and research units supporting the Smithsonian's research community. SIRIS has seven catalogs available for searching. They include: Library Catalog; Archives and Manuscripts Catalog; Smithsonian American Art Museum Research Databases; Research/Bibliographies Catalog; History of the Smithsonian Catalog; National Air and Space Museum Directory of Airplanes; and a Cross-Searching Center that searches all resources in SIRIS. SIRIS is accessible through the Internet at

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Topical Databases:
The Institutional History Division has prepared a series of databases on special topics to provide access to documents and images in our collections on the history of African Americans at the Smithsonian, the history of women at the Smithsonian, and on the Smithsonian's relationship to Latin America. Entries in these databases describe letters, expedition journals, images and other archival materials relating to the special topic. Not all collections have been surveyed for the topical databases, but a wide and typical range of materials, such as administration, art, astrophysics, botany, ecology, geology, history, and zoology, have been surveyed. To search one of these databases, contact the Institutional History Division,

  • African Americans at the Smithsonian Database
    This database, available through the division office, documents the lives and careers of African-Americans who have worked at the Smithsonian since its founding in 1846. Included are citations to primary and secondary materials and images in the Smithsonian Institution Archives, District of Columbia Archives, Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Library, Library of Congress, and other repositories.
  • Smithsonian Employees Database
    A biographical database on some 2,500 Smithsonian employees, from 1846 to the 1980s, can be searched by Institutional History Division staff. It is primarily focused on the 19th century and is not comprehensive.
  • Smithsonian/Latin American Relations Database
    A database documenting the relations between the Smithsonian Institution and Latin America throughout the Institution's history is being compiled and can be searched by contacting the Institutional History Division. The database provides citations to collections in the Smithsonian Institution Archives and other repositories relating to interchanges between the Smithsonian and Latin Americans. Topics include specimen exchange, field work, research interests, training of students, and museum practices.
  • For more information contact a Reference Archivist at or (202) 633-5870.

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