Smithsonian Institution Archives

Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Public Information Office - Agency History

While under the auspices of the Cooper Union, the Museum had no staff or offices devoted exclusively to publicity, and it relied upon the Public Relations Office of the parent organization to issue press releases about its exhibitions and activities. In 1943 responsibility for publicity was included in the duties of D. Graeme Keith, Assistant to the Curator in charge of Services. He was replaced in 1944 by Allison Delarue. Mary A. Noon assumed responsibility for maintaining records on the Museum's history and publicity when she became Recorder in 1946. When the Museum was transferred to the Smithsonian Institution in 1968, Noon continued in this function as Museum Specialist.

A separate Public Relations Office was not established until 1977. Isabelle Silverman was the Museum's first Public Relations Officer, and in 1979 she became Public Relations Manager. She was named Public Information Manager in 1983, serving until 1985. Her title was changed to Public Information Officer in 1984. Arthur Lindo served, 1986-1992, and was succeeded by Gwen Loeffler during 1994. Barbara Livenstein served as Public Information Officer, 1995- .

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