Smithsonian Institution Archives

National Museum of American History, Office of Exhibits, Audiovisual, and Services - Agency History

An Office of Exhibits was created in the National Museum of American History (NMAH) in 1973 to design and produce exhibitions for the Museum, then known as the National Museum of History and Technology (NMHT). Prior to that time the Institution's Office of Exhibits Programs was responsible for this function. The Office became a Department in 1980 and was renamed the Office of Exhibits, Audiovisual, and Services around 1995.

The Office of Exhibits, Audiovisual, and Services is responsible for the design, production, installation, and disassembly of the permanent and temporary exhibitions at NMAH. Staff of the office have included John E. Anglim, Chief, Office of Exhibits, 1957-1968, Chief, Office of Exhibits Programs, 1969-1970, and Director, Office of Exhibits Programs, 1971-1972; Benjamin W. Lawless Assistant Director of the Museum for Design and Production, 1974-1976, and Assistant Director for Exhibits, 1977-1981; J. Michael Carrigan, Assistant Director for Exhibitions and Public Spaces, 1982-1984; Richard J. Nicastro, Deputy Assistant Director for Exhibitions and Public Spaces, 1985-1994; and William T. Tearman, Director, Exhibits, Audiovisual, and Services, 1995- .

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Revised: August 29, 2002