Smithsonian Institution Archives

United States National Museum, Department of Biology - Agency History

The Department of Biology was formed during the reorganization of the United States National Museum (USNM) in 1897. At that time, the various departments in the biological sciences became divisions and the Department of Biology was set up as the organizational unit controlling those divisions. The Department remained an administrative entity of the USNM until 1947 when it was divided into the Departments of Zoology and Botany.

Head Curators of the Department of Biology included Frederick William True, 1897-1911; Leonhard Stejneger, 1911-1943; and Waldo L. Schmitt, 1943-1947. James E. Benedict was appointed Chief of Exhibits in the Department of Biology in 1909. His title was changed to Assistant Curator in 1918, and he continued in that position until his retirement in 1930.

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