The Joseph Henry Papers

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Ways to Support Us

Over its lifetime, the Joseph Henry Papers Project has been a prime example of the public-private partnership that is characteristic of the funding of the Smithsonian. Private foundations and individuals have always been an invaluable source of support, and in the coming years will have a large impact on the progress and success of the project.

If you wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to the project, please make the check payable to the Smithsonian Institution and send to Marc Rothenberg, Joseph Henry Papers, MRC 429, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560. Your gift will be acknowledged in our volumes. Please contact Marc Rothenberg for further information.

Another way you can support the project is to buy our volumes, or to order them for your library. Please see The Papers of Joseph Henry for ordering information.

We also welcome any leads you may have on the whereabouts of Henry documents.

Finally, we would like to hear from you about ways to make Henry's contributions to science better known. We are particularly interested in suggestions about incorporating Henry into the K-12 curriculum.

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