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Crew from Get Smart, by Ken Rahaim, Smithsonian Institution
As we move towards digitizing our collections, SI Archives is looking for ways to broaden its interaction with the digital world. For this site, we created a blog for staff, scholars and the general public to comment, question and add to the knowledge of the Smithsonian’s movie career. Feel free to add movies we have not mentioned, mistakes made about the Smithsonian in the movies, talk about the artifacts shown in the movies and discuss how feature films portray the Smithsonian. We only ask that your participation and posts be both respectful and responsible.



A curator steps out of the Castle into the evening

dusk. She is carrying a ton of papers and is walking

rapidly towards the National Mall. [camera cuts to a shot of the National Mall].

SI in the Movies Take 1:

Scene 1:. [camera zoom out

wide shot of SI castle]






© Smithsonian Institution 2009