Results for "The Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms (Monograph : 1928)"

Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for The Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms (Monograph : 1928)
  1. Diary no. IV [4], July, 1928-August, 1928 : summer expedition to Ningyuenfu via Yachow

    Diary no. IV [4], July, 1928-August, 1928 : summer expedition to Ningyuenfu via Yachow

    • Date: 1928 19280704 19280928
    • Creator: Graham, David Crockett

  3. Diary no. I [1], November 14, 1927 to January 29, 1928

    Diary no. I [1], November 14, 1927 to January 29, 1928

    • Date: 1927-1928 19271114 19280129
    • Creator: Graham, David Crockett

Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for The Nature and Extent of Fouling of Ships' Bottoms (Monograph : 1928)