Results for "The Brain: The World Inside Your Head (Exhibition) (2001-2002: Washington, D.C.)"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 13 for The Brain: The World Inside Your Head (Exhibition) (2001-2002: Washington, D.C.)
  1. Blog Post

    Link Love: 8/31/2018

    • Date: August 31, 2018
    • Creator: Mitch Toda
    • Description: Link Love: a weekly post with links to interesting videos and stories about archival issues, technology and culture, and Washington D.C. and American history.

  3. “Flat John” Visits the Smithsonian Castle, 2015, Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette

    Science Service, Up Close: The Microvivarium

    • Date: May 12, 2015
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: Today’s science museums build on the efforts of biologist George Roemmert (1892-1952), whose “Microvivarium” projected images of amoebas and other microscopic creatures.

  5. Female House Sparrows on Fountain Ledge.

    Meet the Birds of the National Mall

    • Date: July 3, 2014
    • Description: Have you noticed that the Mall is aflutter with birds? Dive into the history of the Smithsonian’s interactions with our avian neighbors.

  7. Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station and Tracks, 1882, Harpers Weekly, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-78090.

    Quidditch in Henry Park?

    • Date: April 3, 2014
    • Description: This coming weekend muggles from around the world will be participating in the International Quidditch Association’s World Cup; but did you know that this growing sport may have a Smithsonian connection?

  9. Blog Post

    A Surprise from Th Jefferson

    • Date: January 6, 2011
    • Creator: Tad Bennicoff
    • Description: [caption id="" align="alignright" width="221" caption="At the turn of the century, visitors are entering and leaving the United States National Museum Building, now Arts and Industries Building, via the North Entrance, c. 1900, by Unidentified photographer, Photographic print, Smithsonian Institution Archives Record Unit 95 Box 32 Folder 8, Negative Number:

  11. The Path Taken and the Role of Mentors

    • Date: November 15, 2012
    • Creator: Pamela M. Henson
    • Description: Oral history interviews sometimes reveal the central role that a mentor can play in the life of a young person, changing the road taken in that person’s life.

  13. October is American Archives Month

    Celebrate 2014 Archives Month!

    • Date: October 2, 2014
    • Creator: Effie Kapsalis
    • Description: It's time again to celebrate all the wonderful things archives have and do! The Society of American Archivists declares each October American Archives Month and the Smithsonian theme for this year is "Discover and Connect." At the Smithsonian Institution Archives, we handle over 6000 reference requests per year and have an ambitious digitization plan to serve people worldwide

  15. Blog Post

    Wait. Did That Really Happen? Snake Smashin’

    • Date: April 4, 2019
    • Creator: Emily Niekrasz
    • Description: Explore what happened in 1969 when a man brought a hatchet and butcher knife to Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History to attack a display of snakes.

  17. Buddha draped in robes

    17 Objects for 170 Years (Happy Birthday to us!)

    • Date: August 10, 2016
    • Creator: Effie Kapsalis
    • Description: On the Smithsonian's 170th birthday, here are 17 stories of how items have made their way to our collections!

  19. Route 66 runs through Winslow, Arizona. This corner is a tribute to the Eagles song, “Take It Easy.” The camera used included a date stamp. Photo by Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig.

    Making the Most of Vacation Memories

    • Date: June 24, 2014
    • Creator: Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig
    • Description: Summer means family vacations and making memories. Here are some ideas for before and during the trip.

  21. View of a snow-topped mountain. At the center of the photographs is a tree with trimmed branches and no leaves.

    Hot Topix in Archival Research, Spring 2021

    • Date: April 8, 2021
    • Creator: Deborah Shapiro
    • Description: Think your archival research is on hold while our reading room is closed? Think again!

  23. Blog Post

    Link Love: 6/24/2011

    • Date: June 24, 2011
    • Creator: Catherine Shteynberg
    • Description: Headed to DC soon? Leave your thoughts at the National Museum of American History’s TalkBack Board, and then whether you’re in the capital or elsewhere, tune into the NMAH’s Twitter feed for #TalkBackTuesdays, where they’ll feature the best questions and comments from the board. The Museum of Photographic Arts has just joined Flickr Commons, and their photos include some

Showing results 1 - 12 of 13 for The Brain: The World Inside Your Head (Exhibition) (2001-2002: Washington, D.C.)
