Description: As some of you reading this know, we enjoy getting to know fascinating women in science throughout our collections and in the Smithsonian's history. We enjoy it so much that one of us decided we needed a set of LEGO women scientists. Over lunch, we assembled the the sets with some trepidation as it had been years since our previous LEGO adventures. We had fun playing and
Description: Cue the music! We invite you to our third "She Blinded Me with Science" Women in Science Wikipdia Edit-a-thon III. An invitation to the Archive's 3rd Wikipedia edit-a-thon on Women in Science, March 27, 2015.
Description: [caption width="189" caption="Wanda Margarite Kirkbride Farr (b. 1895), sitting in lab with microscope, Smithsonian Insitution Archives"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_238" width="162" caption="New Use for Light Reflector, National Museum of American History"][/caption]I was intrigued by a recent post on the National Museum of American History’s (NMAH) blog about the
Description: It is that scrappy time of year where we ask you to nominate your favorite Smithsonian collection, experience, or in the Archives' case, people. We typcially refer to them as groundbreakers. We have some stiff competition in the science category with the Hope Diamond and the 3D Lincoln Life Mask, however, we feel Smithsonian female scientists have made such a significant
Description: Martha Goodway, Metallurgist Emeritus of the Smithsonian's Museum Conservation Institute, was a pioneer in the field of Archaeometallurgy, the study of the traditional technologies of mining, smelting, refining, and forming of metals and their by-products. #Groundbreaker
Description: Forensic Anthropologist, Kari Bruwelheide solves cold cases—some as old as 10,000 years! She and her colleagues develop new ways to interpret evidence from bones and burials and are currently solving mysteries from the days of the earliest English settlements in America. #Groundbreaker
Description: Senior scientist, Dr. Cynthia Gilmour, is the Director of the Microbial Ecology Lab at the Smithsonian's Environmental Research Center where studies microbes that produce methylmercury in order to reduce the risk of mercury pollution. #Groundbreaker
Description: Biological anthropologist Dr. Habiba Chirchir, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, researches the evolution of human and non-human primate bone density patterns to ascertain whether there are unique patterns of trabecular bone density among closely related species. #Groundbreaker
Description: Dr. Nancy Knowlton, Marine Scientist at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History researches the ecology and evolution of coral reefs using molecular genetics, field studies, and mathematical modeling. #Groundbreaker
Description: Botanist and suffragette, Mary Agnes Chase, led the Smithsonian's Herbarium, was the eminent expert on grasses, and at the age of 93, published a 3-volume index of U.S. grasses with over 80,000 species. #Groundbreaker
Description: Icthyologist and Curator at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, Dr. Carole Baldwin, has publised over 5 dozen scientific articles and discovered new species of fishes in several tropical locations. #Groundbreaker
Description: The Smithsonian’s first paid female scientist and full-time curator, Mary Jane Rathbun, spent her life’s work on the classification of decapod Crustacea (shrimps, crabs and their near relatives) and wrote a 4-volume series on the crabs of America. #Groundbreaker
Showing results 1 - 12 of 360 for Smithsonian Institution. Assistant Secretary for Science