Results for "Our Peoples: Giving Voice to Our Histories (Exhibition) (2004-2014: Washington, D.C.)"

Showing results 1 - 4 of 4 for Our Peoples: Giving Voice to Our Histories (Exhibition) (2004-2014: Washington, D.C.)
  1. Soviet soil scientist and geologist Vladimir Vasilievich Gemmerling, Director, Soil Department of the Fertilizer Institute, Moscow State University. He was an official delegate to the First International Congress of Soil Science, Washington, D.C., June 1927, and is shown on board an excursion boat. Accession 90-105 - Science Service, Records, 1920s-1970s, Smithsonian Institution Archives, image no. SIA2008-1869.

    Science Service, Up Close: A Slow Boat Down the River

    • Date: June 18, 2015
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: Watson Davis photographed visiting scientists on a June 1927 Potomac River boat trip to Mount Vernon.

  3. Television and the Smithsonian: The Moon Party and "Instant History"

    • Date: November 27, 2012
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: On July 20, 1969, television broadcasters and Smithsonian visitors joined in watching history in the making when astronauts stepped onto the Moon.

  5. A man wearing a headphone-like device sits in a leather chair.

    The Scientific Portraits of Julian Papin Scott, Part 1 of 2: The Photographer Behind the Lens

    • Date: September 3, 2019
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: In a world drowning in images, where we swipe past photos of friends, relatives, and selves in mere seconds, a set of remarkable portraits taken in the 1910s and 1920s by Julian Papin Scott (1877-1961) deserve more considered attention. Sometimes, his subjects appear immersed in work, surrounded by microscopes, beakers, or stacks of books, as if unaware of the photographer.

  7. Blog Post

    Fame ... By Any Other Name

    • Date: March 20, 2012
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: How social media has changed the ways that scientists, particularly women, can achieve fame in their respective fields.

Showing results 1 - 4 of 4 for Our Peoples: Giving Voice to Our Histories (Exhibition) (2004-2014: Washington, D.C.)