Results for "Newcomb, Simon, 1835-1909"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 39 for Newcomb, Simon, 1835-1909
  1. U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    • Date: 1910 1910s
    • Creator: United States National Museum Photographic Laboratory

  3. U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    • Date: 1910 1910s
    • Creator: United States National Museum Photographic Laboratory

  5. U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    • Date: 1910 1910s
    • Creator: United States National Museum Photographic Laboratory

  7. U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    • Date: 1910 1910s
    • Creator: United States National Museum Photographic Laboratory

  9. U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    U.S. History Exhibits, Arts and Industries Building - Simon Newcomb

    • Date: 1910 1910s
    • Creator: United States National Museum Photographic Laboratory

  11. Arts and Industries Building, U.S. History Exhibits

    Arts and Industries Building, U.S. History Exhibits

    • Date: Undated

  13. Arts and Industries Building, U.S. History Exhibits

    Arts and Industries Building, U.S. History Exhibits

    • Date: Undated

  15. Arts and Industries Building, U.S. History Exhibits

    Arts and Industries Building, U.S. History Exhibits

    • Date: Undated

  17. SI History Chronology

    Librarian Cyrus Adler Represents the United States Government at the second Conference on an International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, 1898

    • Date: October 11, 1898

  19. SI History Bibliography

    Memories of the Smithsonian

    • Date: May 1917
    • Creator: Benjamin, Marcus 1857-1932
    • Creator: Benjamin, Marcus 1857-1932

  21. SI History Bibliography

    Memorial of Joseph Henry

    • Date: 1881

  23. Finding Aid

    SIA RU007159, Wead, Charles K. 1848-1925, Charles K. Wead Papers, circa 1893-1913

    • Date: 1893 1893-1913
    • Creator: Wead, Charles K., 1848-1925
    • Description: Access the official records of the Smithsonian Institution and learn about its history, key events, people, and research.

Showing results 1 - 12 of 39 for Newcomb, Simon, 1835-1909
