Description: Curator Emeritus Dr. Jane Walsh, Smithsonian's National Anthropological Archives, developed a specialty in pre-Columbian lapidary technology to better understand the technological advancements of ancient cultures. #Groundbreaker
Description: Curator of Linguistics Dr. Gabriela Pérez Báez, Smithsonian's National Anthropological Archives, works to preserve endangered languages and tries to retain the research of pre-Columbian Zapotec languages within the Mexican community. #Groundbreaker
Description: Curator of Oceanic Ethnology Dr. Adrienne Kaeppler, Smithsonian's National Anthropological Archives, is an expert on Tongan dance and was honored by the YWCA as a leading female scientist whose work increased the understanding of native cultures. #Groundbreaker
Description: Paula Richardson Fleming, Photo Archivist, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, 1970–2003, organized exhibitions, authored numerous publications on Native American photography, and lectured around the world. #Groundbreaker
Description: To address the challenges of preserving born-digital collections across the Smithsonian, the Archives kicked off a survey of born-digital collections material across the Institution.
Description: Consider the courage it took for some of the earliest women in science at the Smithsonian to donate their personal papers to the Institution.
Description: [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="430" caption="Mountain Chief, Chief of Montana Blackfeet, in Native Dress With Bow, Arrows, and Lance, Listening to Song Being Played On Phonograph and Interpreting It in Sign Language to Frances Densmore, Ethnologist, March 1916, by Harris & Ewing, Smithsonian National Anthropological Archives"][/caption] I received an interesting
Description: Details of a Smithsonian anthropometric measurement sheet made by physical anthropologist Aleš Hrdlička for escape artist Harry Houdini in 1926.
Description: [caption id="attachment_396" align="aligncenter" width="414" caption="Save Our Sounds Postcard, Photo Courtesy of National Anthropological Archives"][/caption] For the last few years, I’ve had this postcard up in my office promoting Save Our Sounds, a program by the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage (CFCH) and the Library of Congress dedicated to restoring,
Description: [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="442" caption="View of Canyon, 1873, by Timothy H. O'Sullivan, Black and white photoprint on cardboard mount, National Anthropological Archives, SPC Sw Gen NM 113605 01861700, Local Number: NAA INV 01861700."][/caption] I paid another visit to the Timothy O’Sullivan exhibition now on view at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and a
Showing results 1 - 12 of 2706 for National Anthropological Archives