Results for "Nation of Nations (1976 : Smithsonian Institution)"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 63 for Nation of Nations (1976 : Smithsonian Institution)
  1. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, and the period ending September 30, 1976, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1977 12/23/1975
    • Creator: 94th Congress, Sess. 1, 1975
    • Creator: 94th Congress, Sess. 1, 1975

  3. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act To amend and extend the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act of 1965, to provide for the improvement of museum services, to establish a challenge grant program, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1978 10/08/1976
    • Creator: 94th Congress, Sess. 2, 1976
    • Creator: 94th Congress, Sess. 2, 1976

  5. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act To establish the National Museum of the American Indian within the Smithsonian Institution, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1990 11/28/1989
    • Creator: 101st Congress, Sess. 1, 1989
    • Creator: 101st Congress, Sess. 1, 1989

  7. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 11-001, Robbins, Warren M, Warren M. Robbins Papers, circa 1927-2009

    • Date: 1927 1927-2009 circa 1927-2009
    • Creator: Robbins, Warren M.
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  9. Finding Aid

    SIA RU000512, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Department of Administration and Museum Support Services, Administrative Records, 1969-1981

    • Date: 1969 1969-1981
    • Creator: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Department of Administration and Museum Support Services
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  11. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act To authorize the Smithsonian Institution to construct a building for the National Museum of African Art and a center for Eastern art together with structures for related educational activities in the area south of the original Smithsonian Institution Building adjacent to Independence Avenue at Tenth Street Southwest, in the city of Washington

    • Date: 1984 06/24/1982
    • Creator: 97th Congress, Sess. 2, 1982
    • Creator: 97th Congress, Sess. 2, 1982

  13. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1978 07/31/1976
    • Creator: 94th Congress, Sess. 2, 1976
    • Creator: 94th Congress, Sess. 2, 1976

  15. SI History Bibliography

    Smithsonian Institution: General Hearings before the Subcommittee on Library and Memorials

    • Date: 1971
    • Creator: United States Congress, House Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Library and Memorials
    • Creator: United States Congress, House Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Library and Memorials

  17. Smithsonian Legal Document

    Smithsonian Institution, Board of Regents, Minutes, 1916

    • Date: December 14, 1916
    • Creator: Board of Regents
    • Creator: Board of Regents

  19. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act To authorize the Smithsonian Institution to plan museum support facilities

    • Date: 1977 09/19/1975
    • Creator: 94th Congress, Sess. 1, 1975
    • Creator: 94th Congress, Sess. 1, 1975

  21. Smithsonian Legal Document

    Joint Resolution Authorizing the Smithsonian Institution to convey suitable acknowledgment to John Gellatly for his offer to the nation of his art collection and to include in its estimates of appropriations such sums as may be needful for the preservation and maintenance of the collection

    • Date: 1931 06/05/1929
    • Creator: 71st Congress, Sess. 1, 1929
    • Creator: 71st Congress, Sess. 1, 1929

  23. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1976 08/31/1974
    • Creator: 93d Congress, Sess. 2, 1974
    • Creator: 93d Congress, Sess. 2, 1974

Showing results 1 - 12 of 63 for Nation of Nations (1976 : Smithsonian Institution)
