Results for "Nation of Nations (1976 : Smithsonian Institution)"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 26 for Nation of Nations (1976 : Smithsonian Institution)
  1. Blog Post

    The Smithsonian’s First Garden

    • Date: May 31, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: [edan-image:id=siris_sic_9273,size=500,center]Have you ever heard of Smithsonian Park? If you are visiting the Smithsonian today, probably not. But if you had visited the Smithsonian in the 1850s, it would have been one of the first things you experienced.Smithsonian Park occupied the area between the Smithsonian Institution Building, or the Castle, and Downtown Washington,

  3. Blog Post

    Going Back to the Smithsonian’s Future

    • Date: February 8, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Today on The Bigger Picture, we are highlighting the anniversary of the 1927 Conference on the Future of the Smithsonian which brought together people from across the country – scientists, academics, politicians, and private citizens – to advise on the future role of the Smithsonian. For this, we bring you a piece from Smithsonian Archives Program Assistant Lisa Fthenakis,

  5. NASM Opening Day Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

    Congratulations National Air and Space Museum! 40 Years of Celebrations

    • Date: June 30, 2016
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: We celebrate the 40th anniversary of the NASM building with a look back at several of the celebrations that took place there.

  7. An aerial view from the southwest of the Smithsonian Institution Building, 1993.

    Animals Behind the Castle: The Department of Living Animals

    • Date: July 18, 2017
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Before Congress created the National Zoo, the Smithsonian's Department of Living Animals kept it’s collection of animals behind the Castle.

  9. The Smithsonian in Wartime web exhibit

    Smithsonian in Wartime – A New Web Exhibit!

    • Date: August 9, 2016
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Announcing a new web exhibit exploring the Smithsonian’s role in the nation’s war efforts.

  11. How Many Objects does the Smithsonian Have?

    • Date: January 25, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: [edan-image:id=siris_sic_12123,size=250,left]It is a simple answer really: We counted. From 1978 to 1983, the Smithsonian undertook a comprehensive inventory of its collections. It was the first time the Smithsonian had ever tried to count each object in its collections and it was a massive task. Over five years, staff from every museum and research center spent thousands of

  13. Portrait of Roxie Laybourne

    Sharing A Love of Birds: Roxie Laybourne

    • Date: January 5, 2017
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: [edan-image:id=siris_arc_308449,size=250,left]Though Roxie Laybourne may be a well-known topic here in the Smithsonian Institution Archives, there is a good reason she is so popular. From good advice to her pioneering career to modern day inspiration, her work offers new insight each time we turn to it. Laybourne’s interest in natural history began long before she began her

  15. Staff of the Bureau of International Exchanges, 1891.

    The Poetry of Solomon Brown

    • Date: April 19, 2016
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: We celebrate National Poetry Month with a look at one of the Smithsonian’s resident poets, Solomon G. Brown.

  17. Lightning Fast Legislation for the National Museum of the American Indian

    • Date: November 29, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Twenty-nine years ago yesterday the National Museum of the American Indian Act was signed and the Museum of the American Indian became part of the Smithsonian family.

  19. Keepsake pocket bank for the National Negro Memorial, ca. 1926

    The First Quest for a National African American Museum

    • Date: September 22, 2016
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: As National Museum of African American History and Culture opens, let’s look at the first efforts to establish a National African American Museum.

  21. The Star-Spangled Banner, undated.

    2016’s Top Ten Smithsonian History Images

    • Date: December 29, 2016
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: The Smithsonian Institution Archives makes thousands of historic images of the exhibits, events, and happenings at the Smithsonian available online and, as the year comes to a close, we thought this would be a good time to take a look at some of the year’s most popular Smithsonian History images. You can search the History of the Smithsonian catalog at to find

  23. Three men, two women and a child pulling rope to ring bell.

    Celebrating One Year and Many More to Come: National Museum of African American History and Culture

    • Date: September 26, 2017
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Just two days ago, the Smithsonian celebrated the one-year anniversary of the opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC). It seems like just yesterday that we were all waiting for the doors to open; yet, so much has happened in the past year. Since President Barack Obama rang the bell that opened the museum, long lines and happy faces are

Showing results 1 - 12 of 26 for Nation of Nations (1976 : Smithsonian Institution)
