Results for "Nation of Nations (1976 : Smithsonian Institution)"

Showing results 13 - 24 of 26 for Nation of Nations (1976 : Smithsonian Institution)
  1. Woman looking at the camera and smiling with a bird sitting to her left.

    Wonderful Women Wednesday: Helen James

    • Date: September 26, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Dr. Helen James, Curator of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, studies fossil evidence of birds and developed ways to use modern techniques, such as carbon dating, to understand evolutionary and ecological context. #Groundbreaker

  3. Color image of a woman smiling and wearing a black and white feather boa.

    Wonderful Women Wednesday: Amy Henderson

    • Date: September 5, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Amy Henderson, Curator Emerita at the National Portrait Gallery, studies the lively arts and celebrity culture; writing books and exhibits on Elvis Presley, Katharine Hepburn, Katharine Graham, and pioneers in early broadcasting. #Groundbreaker

  5. Blog Post

    50 Years of Folklife

    • Date: June 29, 2017
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: [edan-image:id=siris_sic_10193,size=175,left]Fifty years ago the Smithsonian embarked on a new venture to bring the culture on display in the museum to life with the first Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Then called the Festival of American Folklife, it set out to show that the crafts shown inside museums are also still alive and well across the country.

  7. Scan of a 1938 Washington Post article.

    Camera Craze Comes to the Smithsonian

    • Date: April 26, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: It would be hard to imagine stepping into a Smithsonian museum today and not seeing a single camera. Digital cameras and smart phones with cameras are so completely a part of today’s museum-going experience that - unless a flash goes off in your face – you probably wouldn’t notice the camera next to you. However, in 1938, you would have seen a very different sight. On August

  9. Volunteer Petrina Foti with the NMAH Computer Collections

    Volunteer Appreciation: Petrina Foti

    • Date: April 11, 2017
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: We celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Month by recognizing Petrina Foti, whose work contributes to our oral history collections.

  11. Black and white photo of a young Margaret Collins sitting at a lab bench with a microscope in front of her.

    Margaret Collins: Scholar, Civil Rights Activist, and Mentor

    • Date: March 27, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: During this Women’s History Month, the Smithsonian Transcription Center has been highlighting projects from women around the Smithsonian. Among these women is Margaret Collins, a pioneering scientist and civil rights activist. While her fieldwork has been written about previously, that is clearly just one part of a full and distinguished career.Collins’ interest in science

  13. Black and white photograph of a woman speaking to a group of children. Some children are holding books. Both the woman and the children are seated.

    Wonderful Women Wednesday: Amina Dickerson

    • Date: October 24, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Amina Dickerson, Director of Education at the National Museum of African Art, 1974 to 1982, established African Heritage Month at the Smithsonian and led work to make the museum educational programs more accessible. #Groundbreaker

  15. Visitors viewing transparent woman at the opening of the Hall of Health

    The Hall of Health and the Exhibits Modernization Program

    • Date: December 15, 2016
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: In the 1950s US National Museum staff revitalized exhibits across the Smithsonian, completely transforming the Arts & Industries Building.

  17. Black and white photograph of two young boys sweeping sidewalk in front of museum entrance.

    Fifty Years and Many More to Come!

    • Date: September 12, 2017
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Friday, September 15th, 2017 marks the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Anacostia Community Museum. Originally named the Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, Secretary Ripley envisioned this as a place to reach out to black residents of Washington, DC who were not seeing themselves in the museums on the Mall. Reporting on the opening of the museum, Secretary Ripley writes that

  19. Telephone Operators, C.1914-1917, by Harris & Ewing, glass negative, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-hec-04117.

    April Fool’s, Mr. Lyon!

    • Date: March 31, 2016
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: The National Zoo gets flooded with phone calls in a 1919 April Fool’s prank.

  21. A woman in a white polo holds up a certificate that reads:

    Women in the Office of Protection Services

    • Date: March 12, 2019
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: In 1974, women joined the Smithsonian security force and they have been rising through the ranks ever since.

  23. Black and white image of a woman smiling.

    Wonderful Women Wednesday: Melanie R. Bond

    • Date: October 17, 2018
    • Creator: Lisa Fthenakis
    • Description: Biologist and primate keeper, Melanie R. Bond, was the first woman gorilla keeper at the National Zoo and co-authored the "Orangutan (Pongo) Care Manual" for the Association of Zoos & Aquariums. #Groundbreaker

Showing results 13 - 24 of 26 for Nation of Nations (1976 : Smithsonian Institution)
