Description: Henry David Hubbard (1870-1943), a physicist at the U.S. National Bureau of Standards, designed the first edition of the "Periodic Chart of the Atoms" in 1924. The chart is still in use today, continually updated to reflect new elements.
Description: In a Presidential election year, political news coverage can sometimes seem almost too instantaneous and continuous. Thanks to smartphones with cameras and microphones, journalists and citizens can relay images and sound from almost anywhere inside campaign activities. There was a time, however, when live broadcasting from political conventions and rallies was novel.Starting
Description: May 11 is the anniversary of establishment of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). That 1976 legislation further ratified the influence of scientists on national policy, positioning them to provide ready advice to the President.
Description: On June 11, 1927, 25-year-old Charles Lindbergh, and his plane Spirit of St. Louis, arrived back in the United States, and Washington, D.C. threw a party.
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