Results for "Manuscripts"

Showing results 1 - 5 of 5 for Manuscripts
  1. Program Files, 1967-2007, 1967, Smithsonian Institution Archives, SIA RS01217.

    Program Files, 1967-2007

    • Date: 1967 1967-2007
    • Creator: National Museum of African Art (U.S.) Department of Education and Research

  3. Exhibition Records, 1978-2017, 1978, Smithsonian Institution Archives, SIA RS01141.

    Exhibition Records, 1978-2017

    • Date: 1978 1978-2017
    • Creator: National Museum of African Art (U.S.) Office of the Director

  5. Correspondence, 1963-2017, 1963, Smithsonian Institution Archives, SIA RS01140.

    Correspondence, 1963-2017

    • Date: 1963 1963-2017
    • Creator: National Museum of African Art (U.S.) Office of the Director

  7. Curatorial Records, 1964-2006, 1964, Smithsonian Institution Archives, SIA RS01455.

    Curatorial Records, 1964-2006

    • Date: 1964 1964-2006
    • Creator: National Museum of African Art (U.S.)

  9. Director's Records, 1982-1998, 2001-2017, 1982, Smithsonian Institution Archives, SIA RS01235.

    Director's Records, 1982-1998, 2001-2017

    • Date: 1982 1982-2017 1982-1998, 2001-2017
    • Creator: National Museum of African Art (U.S.) Office of the Director

Showing results 1 - 5 of 5 for Manuscripts