Results for "Journalism, Scientific"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 65 for Journalism, Scientific
  1. Three men in suits standing behind a microphone and in front of a wall of speakers and meters.

    The World Is Yours: Smithsonian Annual Report of Scientific Progress

    • Date: August 6, 2020
    • Creator: Kira M. Sobers
    • Description: Listen to reenactments of two articles that were published in the 1936 Smithsonian Annual Report as broadcast during The World Is Yours episode “Smithsonian Annual Report of Scientific Progress.”

  3. Black and white image of Austin Clark sitting at his desk, which is covered in piles of papers and marine life specimens.

    “Muse of Scientific Literature”: Leila Forbes Clark

    • Date: March 13, 2018
    • Creator: Pamela M. Henson
    • Description: In honor of Women’s History Month and the 50th anniversary of Smithsonian Libraries, let’s learn about Leila Gay Forbes Clark (1887-1964), the second woman to direct the Smithsonian’s library. She was beloved by the researchers she worked with (really loved in one case….) and began the restructuring of the many small libraries across the Smithsonian.

  5. A woman wearing glasses and a lab coat takes a photo of a museum object in a laboratory.

    Elisabeth West FitzHugh, a Driving Force in Cultural Heritage Conservation and Scientific Research

    • Date: July 6, 2021
    • Creator: Dr. Elizabeth Harmon
    • Description: Learn about FitzHugh’s over 50-year career in conservation science at the Smithsonian.

  7. A Glimpse into the Past: A look at the contents of an early 20th century diary

    • Date: August 13, 2013
    • Description: In conservation it can be easy to overlook the content of an item and just get on with the treatment. Here is a case where overlooking the content was simply not possible.

  9. Brassia caudata (Orchidaceae) watercolor by Regina O. Hughes, c. 1980, National Museum of Natural History, Catalog of Botanical Illustrations, Plate # 641.

    “Angels Can Do No More”: Regina Hughes’ Contributions as a Botanical Illustrator

    • Date: March 10, 2016
    • Description: This post discusses the contributions of Regina Hughes, a botanical illustrator, to the National Museum of Natural History.

  11. Thomas F. Flannery (1919-1999) was a cartoonist for Yank, the U.S. Army magazine, during World War II. After the war, he became a newspaper editorial cartoonist, eventually working for the Baltimore Sun, 1957-1988. Several thousand of his original drawings are in the Johns Hopkins University Library.

    Science Service, Up Close: At the Front - War Correspondents and Cartoonists

    • Date: August 27, 2015
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: War correspondents and cartoonists amongst the Science Service collections at the Smithsonian Institution Archives.

  13. A woman sits at a desk near a typewriter and many stacks of papers.

    Science Service, Up Close: Science Reporters on the Hunt

    • Date: April 18, 2019
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: Photographs from the Science Service collections preserve behind-the-scenes glimpses of the newsgathering process for science reporters.

  15. -ray of the skull of Science Service astronomy editor James Stokley

    Science Service, Up Close: Covering Eclipses, Near and Far

    • Date: August 15, 2017
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: Spectacular natural events, like eclipses, have long been the bread-and-butter of science journalism. Science Service, too, succumbed to the lure of combining colorful, firsthand descriptions with technical explanations.

  17. Science Service, Up Close: Women in Geology and Paleontology

    • Date: March 14, 2019
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: To celebrate Women’s History Month, here are two examples of 20th-century women who applied their education and expertise in geology and paleontology outside traditional university career paths.

  19. Postcard - Dr. Gabriele Rabel to Dr. Frank Thone of Science Service, April 22, 1933, Record Unit 7091: Science Service Records, 1902-1965, Smithsonian Institution Archives.

    A Rabel with a Cause: Gabriele Rabel, biologist, philosopher, author, and contributor to Science Service

    • Date: March 31, 2015
    • Description: A brief biographical sketch of Dr. Gabriele Rabel, Austrian born phyisist, biologist, philosopher, author, and stringer for Science Service in the 1930’s.

  21. Blog Post

    Digitized Photos and Back Stories

    • Date: October 22, 2015
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: Discovering the “back story” behind a unique digitized image in the Science Service collections.

  23. Blog Post

    The Empress of the Galapagos Islands, Part I

    • Date: June 7, 2011
    • Creator: Mary Markey
    • Description: Access the official records of the Smithsonian Institution and learn about its history, key events, people, and research.

Showing results 1 - 12 of 65 for Journalism, Scientific
