Results for "History"

Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for History
  1. SI History Bibliography

    A Memorial of George Brown Goode, together with a selection of his papers on museums and on the history of science in America

    • Date: 1901
    • Creator: Wilson, William Lyne 1843-1900,Geare, Randolph I,Hubbard, Gardiner G (Gardiner Greene) 1822-1897,Langley, S. P (Samuel Pierpont) 1834-1906,Osborn, Henry Fairfield,Dall, William Healey 1845-1927
    • Creator: Wilson, William Lyne 1843-1900,Geare, Randolph I,Hubbard, Gardiner G (Gardiner Greene) 1822-1897,Langley, S. P (Samuel Pierpont) 1834-1906,Osborn, Henry Fairfield,Dall, William Healey 1845-1927

  3. SI History Bibliography

    Professor Baird in Science

    • Date: 1890
    • Creator: Dall, William Healey 1845-1927
    • Creator: Dall, William Healey 1845-1927

  5. "The Sea is Thine, and Thou Madest It" Clipping

    "The Sea is Thine, and Thou Madest It" Clipping

    • Date: December 14, 1899
    • Creator: Dall, William Healey 1845-1927
    • Creator: Dall, William Healey 1845-1927

Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for History