Results for "History"

Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for History
  1. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, and prior fiscal years, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1921 03/01/1921
    • Creator: 66th Congress, Sess. 3, 1921
    • Creator: 66th Congress, Sess. 3, 1921

  3. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to furnish to the National Museum certain articles of the arms, material, equipment, or clothing heretofore issued or produced for the United States Army, and to dispose of colors, standards, and guidons of demobilized organizations of the United State Army, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1921 03/04/1921
    • Creator: 66th Congress, Sess. 3, 1921
    • Creator: 66th Congress, Sess. 3, 1921

  5. Smithsonian Legal Document

    An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922, and for other purposes

    • Date: 1921 03/04/1921
    • Creator: 66th Congress, Sess. 3, 1921
    • Creator: 66th Congress, Sess. 3, 1921

Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for History