Results for "Hair (Exhibition) (1980: New York, N.Y.)"

Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for Hair (Exhibition) (1980: New York, N.Y.)
  1. Science Service director Watson Davis with General Motors' Thomas Midgley Jr, 1936.

    Science Service, Up Close: Patent Parades, Silk Purses, and Snake Bite Remedies

    • Date: March 30, 2017
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: Everyone loves a parade – especially one followed by a banquet. When scientists and politicians met in Washington, D.C., on November 23, 1936, to celebrate the centennial of the U.S. patent system, they listened first to a conventional program of speeches. Then, in the afternoon, Science Service director Watson Davis arranged something different: a “Research Parade” featuring

  3. Blog Post

    Publicity, Politics, and Physics

    • Date: March 10, 2010
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: Long ago and far away, before gray hairs and creaky knees, before history became my passion, I was an undergraduate physics major.  Physics seemed fascinating and beautiful, if difficult.  Later, after career paths led into history and science policy, I learned that physics, however elegant, did not reside in a cultural vacuum.  Its people and discoveries coexisted with

Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for Hair (Exhibition) (1980: New York, N.Y.)