Results for "Geological Survey (U.S.). Branch of Paleontology and Stratigraphy"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 13 for Geological Survey (U.S.). Branch of Paleontology and Stratigraphy
  1. A woman sits and poses for a photograph. She isn’t really smiling, Her hands are crossed on her lap. She is wearing a collared shirt under a striped blazer.

    Wonderful Women Wednesday: Dr. Jean Milton Berdan

    • Date: July 6, 2022
    • Creator: Emily Niekrasz
    • Description: Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday.

  3. Stereograph Portrait of Colonel James D. Stevenson

    Sneak Peek 6/27/2016

    • Date: June 27, 2016
    • Creator: Marguerite Roby
    • Description: Stereograph portrait of Colonel James D. Stevenson, an executive officer of the U.S. Geological Survey, MAH-5734.

  5. Study of Snails with Dr. Louis S. Kornicker and Dr. I. Gregory Sohn,

    Sneak Peek 11/20/2017

    • Date: November 20, 2017
    • Creator: Marguerite Roby
    • Description: Study of snails with Dr. Louis S. Kornicker, associate curator in the Division of Crustacea, and Dr. I. Gregory Sohn, of the U.S. Geological Survey, 72-4316-11A.

  7. Field Book Narratives of Volcanologist James F. Luhr

    • Date: August 18, 2016
    • Description: A look into the field books of volcanologist James F. Luhr.

  9. B&W photograph of Island with markers showing Eniwetok and Perry Islands

    Travel to the Tropics, Archives-style!

    • Date: January 30, 2018
    • Creator: Effie Kapsalis
    • Description: Travel with us to the Galapagos and the Marshall Islands as we launch some warm-weather scientific field books, diaries, and correspondence. While it’s not very wintery in Washington D.C., we’re hoping this will offer an escape to those entering the long remaining months of snow, sleet, and ice. And if you’re avoiding the cold, what a better way to spend your time than helping

  11. Portrait of Oscar Loew

    Spotlight: Oscar Loew, Office of the Chemist

    • Date: August 26, 2021
    • Creator: Marguerite Roby
    • Description: a closer look at Oscar Loew, the first person to hold the Office of Smithsonian Chemist.

  13. Blog Post

    Exploring the National Parks

    • Date: August 1, 2017
    • Creator: Hillary Brady
    • Description: August is National Parks Month, but the Smithsonian has celebrated the National Park Service for decades! Enjoy a selection of national parks images from the Archives' collection.

  15. Front page of a notebook, with the inscription

    Hot Topix in Archival Research, Spring 2019

    • Date: June 25, 2019
    • Creator: Deborah Shapiro
    • Description: Here are some of the highlights of the research conducted this spring at SIA.

  17. Blog Post

    Discoveries Don’t Happen in an Armchair

    • Date: November 27, 2018
    • Creator: Ricc Ferrante
    • Description: The 19th century was a transformative time for the natural sciences. New discoveries didn't just happen in an armchair. Scientists adventured into unfamiliar territory by land and sea on expeditions, and their new findings fed new theories. Groups like the Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences formalized America's place

  19. A man sits at a desk on which large bones sit. An animal skeleton is hanging on the wall.

    The Mammoth Task of Creating a Fossil Hall at the Smithsonian

    • Date: June 6, 2019
    • Creator: Emily Niekrasz
    • Description: Before you head to “Deep Time,” opening this weekend at Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, learn about how Smithsonian’s fossil collection was initially formed and exhibited.

  21. Watson Hiner Monroe (at left, behind the wheel) and Katherine Tait Omwake and Thelma Hunt (visible in the back seat), participating in driving test as part of the George Washington University “Sleeplessness Test” weekend, August 14-16, 1925.

    Science Service, Up Close: The Sleeplessness Study, Part 2 - Adventurers

    • Date: August 20, 2015
    • Creator: Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette
    • Description: In 1925, seven George Washington University students volunteered to stay awake for sixty hours, and drove, danced, sang, and swam in an effort to remain alert.

  23. Blog Post

    Heart of Glass

    • Date: October 5, 2017
    • Creator: Heidi Stover
    • Description: Since our move to Smithsonian Institution Support Center, in the fall of 2015, the Archives have been able to work on longer-term projects using the photographic negatives stored in our cold storage vault. One of these projects is systematically scanning the collection of glass plate negatives from the United States National Museum, Division of Graphic Arts Photograph

Showing results 1 - 12 of 13 for Geological Survey (U.S.). Branch of Paleontology and Stratigraphy
