Description: A brief narrative on Jean Louis Berlandier, a French naturalist, and one of the first scientists to observe, collect , and document the natural history specimens of southeastern Texas and northeastern Mexico.
Description: In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, this is the third in a series of installments from Smithsonian Institution Archives staff highlighting women in science photographs. We will post portraits of women science here throughout the month.
Description: A brief biographical sketch of Thomas R. Henry, who served in WWI, was a War Correspondent in the field during WWII, participated in the “Operation High Jump” exploration of Antarctica (1946-1947,) served the Smithsonian as a press writer, and The Washington Evening Star as a science writer.
Description: This blog piece is about summer weather in Washington, DC, the Alice Pike Barney collections here at SIA, and the Barney’s “summer cottage” in Bar Harbor, ME, “Ban-y-Bryn.”