Results for "Blackwelder, Richard E."

Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for Blackwelder, Richard E.
  1. Ruth M. Blackwelder sitting in a chair, taken by Richard E. Blackwelder. Accession 96-099: Richard E. Blackwelder Papers, 1926-1964, Smithsonian Institution Archives, neg. no. SIA2015-002961.

    Who Was Ruth MacCoy Blackwelder?

    • Date: March 5, 2015
    • Creator: Kira M. Sobers
    • Description: Mystery who Ruth MacCoy Blackwelder may be solved once her journals go up on the Smithsonian Transcription Center.

  3. Wild animals of Glacier National Park, 1918. Vernon and Florence Merriam Bailey. Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library.

    Scientific Sweethearts: Research Couples in the Archives

    • Date: February 11, 2016
    • Creator: Hillary Brady
    • Description: A look at the life and work of husband and wife Smithsonian scientists researching in the field.

  5. Infograph with headings

    Keeping up with our #Volunpeers – SIA’s Transcription Center Accomplishments

    • Date: September 14, 2017
    • Creator: Ricc Ferrante
    • Description: When it comes to the Smithsonian Transcription Center, there’s always more to discover, more material with which to engage. It can be easy to lose track of just how much our crowd of #volunpeers accomplished and why it is so important to us. We’re not done yet, but after four years, it’s a good time to take a step back and see what has been accomplished through the effort of

Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for Blackwelder, Richard E.