Results for "Answer Me This (Radio program)"

Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for Answer Me This (Radio program)
  1. Three men in suits standing behind a microphone and in front of a wall of speakers and meters.

    The World Is Yours: Smithsonian Annual Report of Scientific Progress

    • Date: August 6, 2020
    • Creator: Kira M. Sobers
    • Description: Listen to reenactments of two articles that were published in the 1936 Smithsonian Annual Report as broadcast during The World Is Yours episode “Smithsonian Annual Report of Scientific Progress.”

  3. Two-page spread of a booklet containing broadcast information for “The World Is Yours” and a history of Thomas Davenport. A black and white drawing of a track with a motor appears at the top middle of the right-hand page.

    The World Is Yours: Unheralded American Inventors

    • Date: November 17, 2020
    • Creator: Kira M. Sobers
    • Description: Did you know that Joseph Francis invented the first metal life-saving boat? Or that Gail Borden invented the process for creating condensed milk? Neither did I until I heard The World Is Yours episode titled “Unheraled American Inventors,” which originally aired on April 4, 1937.Where most of the episodes I’ve listened to begin with the host walking up to two people while they

  5. Highlights from the 2018 Society of American Archivists Conference

    • Date: September 11, 2018
    • Creator: Kira M. Sobers
    • Description: Here is a look at some of the most interesting presentations Archives staff attended at this year's Society of American Archivists conference.

Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for Answer Me This (Radio program)