Description: On what better day than Election Day to follow up on that tidbit I dropped a couple weeks ago regarding a consultation about then-candidate Barack Obama’s dry-erase boards, a recent acquisition by the National Museum of African American History and Culture? These artifacts, along with archival material and other realia (in archives terms: a man-made three-dimensional object)
Description: [caption id="attachment_11498" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Out of The Depths, or, the Triumph of the Cross by Nellie Arnold Plummer. AHC 2003.0025.1, in its custom clamshell box after full conservation (inset: before treatment condition), Courtesy Nora Lockshin and Anacostia Community Museum."][/caption] The Smithsonian Institution Archives will be
Description: Yesterday, we celebrated MayDay2019 by reviewing the contents of Nora’s PRICE team go-bag, which you can explore in this Facebook Live, courtesy of the Foundation for the Advancement of Conservation!This MayDay post comes to you at a time when cultural heritage disasters on a mass scale are fresh in people’s minds. Paying attention to high visibility events offers opportunity
Description: A look at the preservation of a box of Wheaties cereal featuring Native American Olympian, Jim Thorpe, how ordinary objects become museum icons, and the problem of food in museum collections.
Description: Watch how we make invisible Beatles’ autographs visible with Reflectance Transform Imaging, a technique for forensic document examination.
Description: N95 Day is sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control's National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to promote the safe and proper use of N95 face respirators.
Description: This piece is part one in a series of posts about Smithsonian Institution Archives’ (SIA) paper conservator and interns working on stabilizing a 1921 panoramic photo of air mail pilots and crews that is being moved to the National Air and Space Museum’s (NASM) Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. You can see Part II here. In addition to being the Paper Conservator for the Smithsonian
Showing results 1 - 12 of 17 for American Picture Palaces (Motion picture : 1983)