Plate V - Port Neuf Canyon
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Creator: Jackson, William Henry 1843-1942
Form/Genre: Black-and-white photographs
Citation: Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 7177, Image No. SIA2018-111390
Pictured is Port Neuf Canyon. This image was taken as part of the Department of the Interior's U.S. Geological Surveys of the Territories. William Henry Jackson, then a budding photographer, took thousands of photographs for the survey, most notably the first images of the headwaters of the Yellowstone River.
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 7177, Image No. SIA2018-111390
Smithsonian Institution Archives Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507; 600 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20024-2520
Yellowstone River
Black-and-white photographs
SIA RU007177 [SIA2018-111390]