Kwakiutl Indians Counting Blankets
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Creator: Hastings, Oregon Columbus
Form/Genre: Glass negatives
Date: 1894
Citation: Smithsonian Institution Archives, Acc. 11-007, Box 017, Image No. MNH-3929
Kwakiutl Indians counting blankets to be distributed at a potlatch ceremony at Fort Rupert, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, during the winter ceremonial season, known as Tsetseka, 1894.
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Acc. 11-007, Box 017, Image No. MNH-3929
Smithsonian Institution Archives Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507; 600 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20024-2520
Vancouver Island (B.C.)
Glass negatives
SIA Acc. 11-007 [MNH-3929]