George W. Knapp (left) and Eleanor Holm Jarrett (right), at the General Electric "House of Magic," 1936
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Form/Genre: Black-and-white photographs
Date: 1936
Citation: Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 90-105, Science Service Records, Image No. SIA2008-4886
left to right: General Electric Company engineer George W. Knapp (d. 2004) and swimmer Eleanor G. Holm Jarret (1913-2004), November 1936. The caption reads: "During a visit to General Electric's House of Magic in Schenectady, the famous Olympic star tested out the artificial fever machine as G. W. Knapp of the research staff attends to the controls."
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 90-105, Science Service Records, Image No. SIA2008-4886
Smithsonian Institution Archives Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507; 600 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20024-2520
Black-and-white photographs
SIA Acc. 90-105 [SIA2008-4886]
Gelatin silver prints;