The Bigger PictureBlog Posts Latest Articles: Margaret Sordahl, Collecting Flora and Fauna at a Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Station December 2, 2021 by Nell MacCarty, Digital History Intern, Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, American Women's History Initiative We’re taking a glimpse into the work and life of Margaret Sordahl and other women at Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory stations around the world. Wonderful Women Wednesday: Clydia Nahwooksy December 1, 2021 by Emily Niekrasz Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday. Here At The Smithsonian: Traveling Exhibitions November 30, 2021 by Kira M. Sobers As we close out this blog series, let’s take a look at two past traveling exhibitions. Tichkematse—A Great Favorite at the Smithsonian November 25, 2021 by Dr. Nathan Sowry, Reference Archivist, Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian A forerunner of today’s efforts to decolonize and Indigenize American museums, Tichkematse was one of the first Native American employees at the Smithsonian Institution. His work with natural history and anthropological collections continue to inspire Native and non-Native museum professionals nearly 150 years later. Wonderful Women Wednesday: Lucille Dawson November 24, 2021 by Emily Niekrasz Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday. Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building in the 21st Century November 18, 2021 by Emily Niekrasz The Arts and Industries Building reopens this weekend with FUTURES, the first building-wide exploration of the future on the National Mall. Though we've written plenty about the building's past on our blog, today, we're diving into its more recent history in the 21st century. Wonderful Women Wednesday: Dr. Brandie Smith November 17, 2021 by Emily Niekrasz Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday. The Room That Could Have Been November 11, 2021 by Kira M. Sobers Artist Georgia O’Keeffe and the Hirshhorns had a friendly relationship. Read about how the two almost negotiated a deal to create a room dedicated to her work at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Wonderful Women Wednesday: Dr. Mara Mayor November 10, 2021 by Emily Niekrasz Each week, the Archives features a woman who has been a groundbreaker at the Smithsonian, past or present, in a series titled Wonderful Women Wednesday. Burn This Disc: Treating Fire-Affected Optical Discs, Part III November 4, 2021 by Miguel Resendiz, Conservation Volunteer, Smithsonian Institution Archives This is the final part in a three-part series of blog posts about a research project on treating fire-affected optical discs. In this final post, we’ll summarize our research and outline possible next steps. Pages« first‹ previous…5678910111213…next ›last »Produced by the Smithsonian Institution Archives. For copyright questions, please see the Terms of Use.