Smithsonian Institution Archives

Topical Finding Aids to Records in the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Guide to Records of Expeditions, 1878-1917

Notes on Finding Expedition Records at the
Smithsonian Institution Archives

Harriman Alaska Expedition - Bryn Mawr and Smith Glaciers, College Fiord, Port Wells, June 26, 1899 (Photo by C. Hart Merriam)

The Guide to the Smithsonian Archives, 1996, and the Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS) were the primary resources used to compile the list of expeditions documented in the Smithsonian Institution Archives. Occasionally collection descriptions and finding aids to Record Units referenced expeditions not indexed in the Guide or in SIRIS. These cases are so noted in the account of the search strategy for that expedition.

Notes on Search Strategy

Primary Resources:

Guide - Guide to the Smithsonian Archives, 1996 - There is a partial listing of expeditions and a fuller listing of surveys in the index.

Smithsonian Institution Research Information System - SIRIS - The Smithsonian Institution's on-line catalog. The most complete listing for expeditions can be found using the keyword command in the Smithsonian Institution Archives catalog. This search will lead to some irrelevant collections, which are not included in this Guide. The library catalog was also used to compile the primary and secondary bibliographies.

Annual Reports - Smithsonian Institution Annual Reports - Each volume contains a section pertaining to expeditions. Indexes also list major scientists and expeditions included in the volume. Annual Reports are available in the Smithsonian Institution Archives Reading Room.

Finding Aids to Specific Record Units - Most Record Units have finding aids, which offer historical background on the persons, offices, or expeditions involved; and more detailed content lists than presented in this Guide. The finding aids were used to locate specific documentation on the expeditions, and to provide supplemental information on the expeditions themselves.

Secondary Resources:

Card correspondence for individual scientists - For the Record Units (RU) below, every piece of correspondence is indexed on a card and filed in alphabetical order. These cards are located at the Smithsonian Institution Archives.

Government Records Series - The following Record Units have separate series for government-related correspondence, which could contain additional documents concerning expeditions sponsored by the United States Government.

Accession Records - RU 305, United States National Museum, Office of the Registrar, Accessions Records, 1834-1958, with accretions to 1976 - These records constitute the official documentation of the national collection, including correspondence with donors, specimen lists, and subsequent correspondence documenting the history of the collection. Correspondents include leading scientists and naturalists, especially of the nineteenth century.

Library of Congress - In general, the Library of Congress catalog was not used to find bibliographic material.

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Revised: August 1, 2002